different fina colors


New member
I recently did two 4g fina conversions, one from a T-belt and one from a finaplix kit.

The T-belt came out a beautiful golden color very clear, but the finaplix kit came out more of a whiskey color. Is this normal? I have done many finaplix conversions since and they always come out the dark whiskey color, just the T-belt came out like a light soy oil color. Any responses? Is the light colored fina crap or is it OK to be a different color?
Do you know if the oils used are the same? Oils vary in color, as well as different batches of fina, even if you convert 2 TH belts 1 might have a slightly different tint to it than the other.
Yep, both were done using kits from r***kits.com. Both done at the same time, both following basskillers instructions. I am perplexed.

I did notice that the t-belt pellets were much lighter in color than the regular kinakit. This is the only time I have ever used a t-belt. The color here is not slightly different. Usually my conversions come out looking just like basskillers (dark whickey color), the t-belt just happened to come out looking like a very pale beer (like a coors light almost exactly.)