Can some one help explain to me:
-Adex, Armo, Letro, Caber
-Difference between each.
-Which is the best. Pros/Cons of Each.
-How effective each one is at what it's suppose to do.
Caber and prami are for prolactin levels. Adex arom and letro are the AI's letro is the strongest and usually is not recommended unless estrogen is very high. Adex is usually dosed eod and aroma is Ed most times. The doses all are based on controlling estrogen for the specific person. Most of the time based on blood work. As for pro/con I think it is mostly personal preference not sure there are big cons to any of them. Maybe to letro that It can crash your e2 very easily.
Caber and prami are for prolactin levels. Adex arom and letro are the AI's letro is the strongest and usually is not recommended unless estrogen is very high. Adex is usually dosed eod and aroma is Ed most times. The doses all are based on controlling estrogen for the specific person. Most of the time based on blood work. As for pro/con I think it is mostly personal preference not sure there are big cons to any of them. Maybe to letro that It can crash your e2 very easily.
If Adex was only on hand and it wasnt working for .5mg ED, would it be best to raise it to 1mg ED or Move on to something stronger such as armo. U say Letro should be used as a last resort?
Also, Caber isn't a AI? is Caber and Prami only used for prolactin... Meaning extreme Gyno? Maybe for Tren mostly? Not so much for test or other steroids?
Prami and Cabor are mostly for 19-nors deca/tren. The AI shouldnt be on hand it should be used the whole cycle. As for dosing that needs to be based on bloodworm to get the right amount.
Prami and Cabor are mostly for 19-nors deca/tren. The AI shouldnt be on hand it should be used the whole cycle. As for dosing that needs to be based on bloodworm to get the right amount.
well, is there such thing as TOO MUCH adex? say there is no bloodwork. U go by looks and feel. If itchy, bothersome ect.. up the dosage, but if 1mg Adex doesnt help.. What then? Asking ur opinion. Not bloodwork results.
well, is there such thing as TOO MUCH adex? say there is no bloodwork. U go by looks and feel. If itchy, bothersome ect.. up the dosage, but if 1mg Adex doesnt help.. What then? Asking ur opinion. Not bloodwork results.
Yes there is such a thing as too much adex. Need bloodwork to adjust can't go by feelings low E@ and High E2 have some of the same effects. Generally .5 mg EOD does the trick for most and ED would likely crash your E2 but you need bloodwork to know for sure. 1mg ED of adex is way too much.
Yes there is such a thing as too much adex. Need bloodwork to adjust can't go by feelings low E@ and High E2 have some of the same effects. Generally .5 mg EOD does the trick for most and ED would likely crash your E2 but you need bloodwork to know for sure. 1mg ED of adex is way too much.
I agree with this 1mg Ed your e2 would have to be really high to need that to bring it down or just be on a huge amount and test and Dbol to where you were aromatizing crazy bad. But dosing is almost imposible without bloodwork. It's just a crap shoot
Is it just gyno related sides that you are basing the dose off of? If my e2 gets high I get crazy bloated and get acne before my nipples start to hurt. but I use .5 mg eod of adex then adjust with blood work but it's usually right where it needs to be. I've had to go to like .75mg eod to bring it down but then can maintain it at .5. All of this of course is for me personally. It's to hard to say for you.
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