DNP dosage question/doubts


New member
I am currently on day 6 of dnp and starting to wonder if i'm doing it wrong because i literally feel nothing and have seen no results despite cutting calories more than ever and adding in 45 minutes of liss daily when i have done 0 cardio so far this cut (lost 28lb in 4 months).

The protocol i am following is 200mg for 4 days, 400mg for 7 days and 600mg for 3 days. I am drinking 1.5 gallons of water a day, diet is 2000kcal, 200p, 150c, 65f. Every meal i prepare is weighed and i only eat prepared meals and shakes in water. I am on 2x EC and 50mcg of T3 also.

So my question is lets say on a 200mg day should i be taking 200mg of crystal dnp like i have been doing or more like 300mg crystal which would end up 225mg of powder dnp (crystal*.75). I know its only been 6 days but the 0 results combined with 0 sides as far as i can tell has me thinking i am either doing something wrong, dnp is overhyped, or my dnp is severely underdosed. I really don't think its the latter as its from a reputable source and the only source that supply's in the uk currently (my t3 and clen from there are legit afaik).
I'd say the DNP is bunk or severely underdosed. I'm no DNP expert but I believe you should notice an increase in body temperature from the get go.

I also think you're crazy for messing with this shit. Lol jk
Maybe it is under dosed but i tried clen from 2 sources up to 160mcg while taking ketotifen every night and so i could run it longer and t3 and literally felt nothing off that either. Have never felt anything off ephedrine from a few sources. Do i just not respond to this stuff, am i so retarded i can't notice differences in my own body or are people who post about it just really dramatic and suffer from placebo effect?

Here is an image of the dnp (except mine is 200mg) that i found over on another forum, the guy said he had tried other popular dnp before and would get back with how they felt but never did.
Be patient and dont start assuming its undosed and up the dosage, you could hurt yourself. Dnp can take upto 7days to fully kick in, epecially when you start out at 200mg for 4 days.Give 400mg a few more days and then see whats up.
You're on the fast track to really lose some muscle mass. I understand the strong desire to lose body fat, but going at it too quickly will leave you skinny fat, and make it very hard to maintain a lower body fat percentage, as well as keeping any shape to your body.

DNP fills you with water as a byproduct of the ATP interruption. This means that you WON'T see a rapid loss until AFTER you're done, and the water has left your body. 600mg is pushing a VERY dangerous dose if it's real, as the temperature rise can take several days before it fully sets in.

Don't go any higher. This is one of those substances that more is NOT necessarily better, and it can most certainly cook you from the inside out. Besides, what are you hoping to "feel"?

You want to know a good way to know if it's working? Your sweat/urine/semen will develop a yellow color, and it will smell strange.

If you purchased the DNP from the same place as your clen however, it is likely junk. 160mcg of clen is enough to make your heart feel like it's going to jump out of your chest and give you an experience you won't soon forget.

Please tread lightly with this stuff, the risk is very real.

My .02c :)
Be patient and dont start assuming its undosed and up the dosage, you could hurt yourself. Dnp can take upto 7days to fully kick in, epecially when you start out at 200mg for 4 days.Give 400mg a few more days and then see whats up.
Ok thanks i mean i'm on 400mg for another 5 days before i up the dose to 600 for 3 days so thats plenty of time to assess it i think.

You're on the fast track to really lose some muscle mass. I understand the strong desire to lose body fat, but going at it too quickly will leave you skinny fat, and make it very hard to maintain a lower body fat percentage, as well as keeping any shape to your body.

DNP fills you with water as a byproduct of the ATP interruption. This means that you WON'T see a rapid loss until AFTER you're done, and the water has left your body. 600mg is pushing a VERY dangerous dose if it's real, as the temperature rise can take several days before it fully sets in.

Don't go any higher. This is one of those substances that more is NOT necessarily better, and it can most certainly cook you from the inside out. Besides, what are you hoping to "feel"?

You want to know a good way to know if it's working? Your sweat/urine/semen will develop a yellow color, and it will smell strange.

If you purchased the DNP from the same place as your clen however, it is likely junk. 160mcg of clen is enough to make your heart feel like it's going to jump out of your chest and give you an experience you won't soon forget.

Please tread lightly with this stuff, the risk is very real.

My .02c :)

The clen i got from 2 different sources but it was the same brand, shree venktah which seems very reputable to me. About muscle loss i dunno about that man im exactly big to begin with ive never too aas i bench 95x5 squat 160*5 etc etc still on a 3 day full body routine. Throughout all of this my lifts have progressed as usual, when i was on clen t3 for 3 weeks all my lifts increased at the normal rate. Seems to go against everything i have read but maybe the people who started that stuff have body issues and are terrified of losing muscle, looking flat for a period of weeks due to something you are taking doesn't mean you have lost hard earned muscle.

I am just going to put the scales away until a week after i am done it seems to make the most sense.
Probably bunk. I ran a low dosed 200mg EOD cycle for 45 days about 2 months ago and I would feel warm every-time I ate carbs. Gym I noticed it too. Sweated way more than normal
Definitely not bunk i pulled a capsule apart and my fingers are really stained and i set it on fire and there was a mini explosion. And like i said i have felt nothing much from t3 clen eca dnp from 3 different sources (the top 3 on eroids based in uk and one in eu) i just highly doubt everything ive had is bunk, the t3 is uni pharma, clen shree venktah dnp majestic labs. I am really starting to think people just parot what others say combined with me being less sensitive than average. On 160mcg clen my hands where shakey and my heart rate in the morning was 98bpm. I didnt feel like my heart was any faster than usual until i checked and my hands just felt shakey (when i read a brah say it hes like my heart was racing and i couldnt even hold a spoon to eat my morning porridge) then the next guy read that at some point and replies to someones thread and is like bro i wouldn't do clen the sides are too much and not worth it, or maybe he does clen with that last guys statement in his mind and placebos himself into feeling all this crazy shit.

Point being there is no way everything i have used is bunk/trash and i would say the side effects of all of it are extremely mild and a lot of what is said is chinese whispers making everything sound worse than it is. It's not uncommon for example for someone to say dnp is deadly shit with crazy sides do not take it! when you question this person if they have ever tried it they sheepishly say no.

How can i check if the dnp is underdosed now that i have established it isnt bunk? just straight up weigh it on a micro scale?
Ok thanks i mean i'm on 400mg for another 5 days before i up the dose to 600 for 3 days so thats plenty of time to assess it i think.

The clen i got from 2 different sources but it was the same brand, shree venktah which seems very reputable to me. About muscle loss i dunno about that man im exactly big to begin with ive never too aas i bench 95x5 squat 160*5 etc etc still on a 3 day full body routine. Throughout all of this my lifts have progressed as usual, when i was on clen t3 for 3 weeks all my lifts increased at the normal rate. Seems to go against everything i have read but maybe the people who started that stuff have body issues and are terrified of losing muscle, looking flat for a period of weeks due to something you are taking doesn't mean you have lost hard earned muscle.

I am just going to put the scales away until a week after i am done it seems to make the most sense.

Sorry bud, you've been buying junk then. I am absolutely positive that you're not a special snowflake in how T3 and clen act in your body. There are different tolerances, sure - but not in the manner you're discussing.

There's a difference between being flat, and losing mass. The key difference being one is just a state of glycogen retention, the other much worse. As someone that has experienced both being flat and losing muscle mass by doing it wrong - I assure you that the latter is quite real.

I really think you should be examining diet as none of this stuff is going to give you what you're looking for on its own. But some of us need to actually stick our hands in that fire, to find out that it is indeed quite hot.
You should try 3j out as a diet coach eu.era he has helped alot of members on here with his diet programs. I would personally get a nutritionist before going straight to drugs like DNP. It sucks you got some fake stuff but don't feel to bad it happens to everyone occasionally.
DNP - Do Not Put (in your body). That is how I feel about it. One of the potential side effects is death. Not death from a heart attach, no death from drowning in your own sweat (which is also a possibility), but just up and dying straight out. I would rather be fat, personally, or spend an extra hour a day on the elliptical than use DNP.

But that is just my fears talking.
I'm on my 10th day and finally started feeling it 2 days ago. I probably would've benefited from front loading, but I didn't want to die. I'm currently at 500 and just waiting for an elder to tell me to bump it up. I've only lost 2lbs, on ketosis, huge calorie deficit, with your cardio everyday.Hang in there.
DNP - Do Not Put (in your body). That is how I feel about it. One of the potential side effects is death. Not death from a heart attach, no death from drowning in your own sweat (which is also a possibility), but just up and dying straight out. I would rather be fat, personally, or spend an extra hour a day on the elliptical than use DNP.

But that is just my fears talking.

I appreciate what you are saying but have you ever tried dnp? It's like anything if you use it wrong it will kill you, i saw an article the other day of a girl who died taking eca stack for 4 years straight. Paracetamol is the leading cause of liver damage when taken correctly and one of the side effects is death. This is what i was saying before about people spreading this fear of dnp like you just did and then i take it and literally feel a 5 percent difference and wonder if its bunk.
ok so despite what has been said the clen is 100% not bunk, i highly doubt the t3 will be bunk or the dnp like i said i trust my source

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Gosh, you're right. No way could I argue with a Java applet that shows a "valid" serial number. Because taking almost twice the high end of dosing is normal. :spin:

On the bright side, I think bunk stuff keeps folks from killing themselves, or causing permanent damage. :)
I'm on my 10th day and finally started feeling it 2 days ago. I probably would've benefited from front loading, but I didn't want to die. I'm currently at 500 and just waiting for an elder to tell me to bump it up. I've only lost 2lbs, on ketosis, huge calorie deficit, with your cardio everyday.Hang in there.

I'm so glad someone with basically the same stats as me started around the same time as me, today is day 8 i had trouble sleeping last night i felt hot and itchy all night. The first week i have gained 1lb which is just simply impossible lol i want to put the scales away but i also want to see if there is a big weight loss a week after like everyone says.

Let me know how it feels when you pump it up! I have 3 more days on 400mg because i bump up to 600mg
I'm on my 10th day and finally started feeling it 2 days ago. I probably would've benefited from front loading, but I didn't want to die. I'm currently at 500 and just waiting for an elder to tell me to bump it up. I've only lost 2lbs, on ketosis, huge calorie deficit, with your cardio everyday.Hang in there.

using it alone is really dont need to go above 500mg. i ran a few cycles and the one time i went above 500mg (750mg). i started feeling extremely sick and had to hault usage
Absolute bunk. Trash. I used DNP last year and the highest I went was 750 in Crystal... That was only for 2 days because life got absolutely miserable. Horrifying actually. I remember I went to dinner one day on day 2 of 750mg... The AC wasn't working and I had a tank top on... But I also had a dress shirt in my bag because I had an interview earlier (which I blew because I was sweating balls and out of breath all mentally not there) and the manager said that they have a dress code and I had to put my dress shirt on. Oh man, what a ride. Through the middle of dinner I started sweating in a godly like manner, heart racing faster than usual and lightheaded too. I excused myself to the bathroom and three cold water on my face. That is the day I STOPPED DNP.

But OP, I felt DNP warmth about 6 hours after my first 250mg dose. 500mg was manageable too, but not fun. You're in for a fucking ride if your DNP is real and SUDDENLY kicks in with all those doses accumulating. Cut that shit out honestly. IMO, it's not as dangerous as everyone makes it out to be but it sure is scary as fuck.

I remember this year I asked my nutritional coach 3J about DNP since I wanted to use it again in a low dose, he said "I don't condone". He's been around longer than me in the game and if he doesn't condone then I know it's a substance more serious than I thought. Like I said, won't kill you if used cautiously and correctly, but you'll feel like death.
I appreciate what you are saying but have you ever tried dnp? It's like anything if you use it wrong it will kill you, i saw an article the other day of a girl who died taking eca stack for 4 years straight. Paracetamol is the leading cause of liver damage when taken correctly and one of the side effects is death. This is what i was saying before about people spreading this fear of dnp like you just did and then i take it and literally feel a 5 percent difference and wonder if its bunk.

If people want to use DNP, I just urge them to be VERY VERY cautious about it and think hard and long about their goals and if there are other ways to do it. The end choice is always up to the individual. Many people have used DNP without any issues, but the side effects scare me too much. Same reason I do not drop acid.

This is stolen directly from another site, not sure if I am allowed to link to it, but I did not edit it at all and take no credit for its creation.

Side Effects of DNP:

There are not too many side effects of DNP use, but what does exist is tremendously damaging. Of the side effects of DNP the most concerning is death. We actually mean your heart stopping and you living no more. There have been numerous deaths reported due to DNP use over the years. Although the compound is no longer legitimately obtainable on the pharmaceutical market, death will still be a possible side effect for those who are able to find it.

Beyond death, the most common side effects of DNP use include dramatic insomnia, nausea and extreme sweating. When we refer to extreme sweating, a more accurate way to describe it would be sweating profusely. Many who have used DNP have reported ruining their mattress during periods of use due to the sweating being so intense. DNP is also well-known for causing cataracts, which in many cases ultimately leads to the individual going blind.

DNP can also have a strong, negative impact on white blood cell count by reducing the total count severely. This can have a disastrous effect on the individual’s immune system. You will be far more susceptible to viruses and infections when using DNP. It is also very common for those who use DNP to fall into a coma, which can very easily lead to an untimely death. So powerful is the compound and so great is the risk of death, reports have indicated that death can occur with only a few days of use. Talk about a risk and one that is not worth taking.

This represents the side effects of DNP. When looking at all the various hormones and compounds discussed here at you probably noticed this is one of the least extensive side effect discussions of all. There really aren’t too many possible side effects of DNP use, but the side effects it does carry, although few make this one of the most dangerous compounds ever created.