dnp suspension/solution


Geek bodybuilder

can dnp be put in a solution or suspension ??

like disitilled water or everclear ??

Everclear almost sounds hillariously dangerous, but I wouldn't know.

Bump for you.
I personally think it would be possible....afterall, we are dealing with the same measurements as we would with long as the dnp powder is kept stable, it should be fine...but then i would be scared to try ingesting it incase i got the numbers wrong...
I did it, worked alright but it was possibly even messier then powder. I used bacteriostatic water, ba, and the powder. It worked, I would follow a method for making a water based suspension or winstrol though. Would probably work better. I made mine at 200mg/ml and shook the shit out of it every time.
Deadlift said:
I did it, worked alright but it was possibly even messier then powder. I used bacteriostatic water, ba, and the powder. It worked, I would follow a method for making a water based suspension or winstrol though. Would probably work better. I made mine at 200mg/ml and shook the shit out of it every time.

Didn't it dye the inside of your mouth yellow??