i had to go see an acupuncturist, and after seeing two docs and a physical therapist.. a year into misery with that shit
the acu palpated my arm, says
" you have muscle spasms, very severe spasms in your forearm"
oh yeah? no shit - my fucking tendon slides through my arms like a crusty length of rusty barbwire - thanks for the tip
this dude literally squeezed my forearm roughly half way between my wrist and elbow - as hard as he could, like a vice..
then slowly TWISTED and rotated without losing his grip- until i could literally feel the tendonitis getting almost fucking unbearable..
so without me ambulating/ moving my arm ( which was the nay time i felt it) - he was eliciting the pain by manipulating the muscle manually.
im all - hey that shit fucking hurts man!
he tells me , we need to lengthen the muscles here.. then your pain will be resolved
and no fucking shit, 8 mos of misery - and this guy manipulated th muscle in my forearm , lengthening the with the vice grip hold/ then rotation twisting as far as he could manage it without slipping..
he held that for about 60-90 seconds and when he let go he smiles at me and says
" how does it feel now?
the shit was 80% GONE
he gave me a detailed explanation and walk through of the manipulation he had just done, then used acupuncture needles with an estim to trigger and relax the muscles..
only 6-7 visits to him in few weeks time, with me performing the manipulation several time a day between visits, and the pain has been knocked down to zero for over year now.
and i suffered, i mean really suffered, for almost 9 months with that shit..