Do i aromatize more while bulking ? Help


New member
Hey guys it's me again :P , I'm almost 3 months on my trt 200mg a week, I'm 170 lbs 6ft , I'd estimate my bf to be 12-13% been cutting this 3 months.
I aromatize very little so far I've dropped my liquidex to 0.125mg twice a week since 0.25mg twice a week was too much.

I'm planning on bulking now I know the higher bodyfat the more you are prone to aromatize but im not sure if that only applies to people with body fat in high teens and 20% plus.

If I'm 12% bf and want to bulk is my aromatizacion gonna rise (therfore bump my ai ) or it shouldn't be a concern in this case.

Of course BW will be done bUT just want to know what have your experiences been.

Thanks in advance to any input .
You're way overthinking things. Unless you're planning on bulking while on TRT (in which the answer to your question would be "not enough to matter"), you'll be increasing your AI to match your blast dose of testosterone.

My .02c :)
You're way overthinking things. Unless you're planning on bulking while on TRT (in which the answer to your question would be "not enough to matter"), you'll be increasing your AI to match your blast dose of testosterone.

My .02c :)

i agree with hw..

though technically as you add fat you should aromatize more... but its highly individualistic
Nono I'm not blasting just gonna bulk on my trt dose and yes I kinda over think things little bit too much :P better safe than having bitch tits xD

OK then that should keep my mind at peace thanks guys. :laugh3:
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Nono I'm not blasting just gonna bulk on my trt dose and yes I kinda over think things little bit too much :P better safe than having bitch tits xD

OK then that should keep my mind at peace thanks guys. :laugh3:

You'll do fine on that, and yes..yes it is better to be safe than to have the bitch tits!