Do I have a chance at competing this year??


New member
Well, My (bodybuilder light heavy) boy says I can lower my BF in time to compete on JUL 7th. I'm like "I dunno, man" But he says I can do it, what do you guys think?? Do I?

I'm currently 177lbs @ like 13% BF. I will need to get to atleast 6-8% BF. Should I even try??




This was me at like 11-12% BF, So..

(this was also like 10 months ago, so I think Im more muscular)

Whats your height? Also for you to compete is one thing, but if you want to place you really want to get down below 5 %. And that might be a serious challenge if not impossible in six weeks. I wouldnt recommend it but Im not a pro either. IMO you should bulk for a while then give yourself a 12-16 week window for contest prep.
Whats your height? Also for you to compete is one thing, but if you want to place you really want to get down below 5 %. And that might be a serious challenge if not impossible in six weeks. I wouldnt recommend it but Im not a pro either. IMO you should bulk for a while then give yourself a 12-16 week window for contest prep.

Thanks. Yeah, that's what I was thinking but he says I can do it.. I think without Winstrol (winny) (or something of the sort) it's going to be..impossible!
Just to give you an idea. Ive been cutting naturally and I started about where you are now. In a lil over two months Ive cut 4% bf. Thats with an OK diet, workin out 6x week and at least 30 min of cardio after after each workout. Getting lean is the hardest to do. Good luck bro.
If your currently 177lbs @ 13% BF and 5'10.. I would say you have room to add more
mass before you go out on stage.
Without seeing your legs (which might be intentional?), I would

You def need more mass all over.

Anyone can compete, but you wont win.

Do a search for amateur bodybuilders around your weight and see what I mean. Give it time.
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july 7th isnt practical. if you spend another year bulking then give yourself ~14 wks to seriously cut, you could probably walk on as a light weight, which isnt bad.
i agree with the above posters BULK, BULK, and then BULK somemore, im 6'3 245 and no where near where i want to be for my first comp, but keep at it youll get there soon enough