New member
Good info Doc and 2rude. It is sad but it is true. Synthroid is in the doctors pockets. They pay and host for many conferences for all these docs year after year. This goes back years and years. Synthroid isn't the only company who does this, but the biggest one for thyroids though. Your best bet is to get the word endo out of your mind. You need to look at doctors that are familiar with combo meds. Here is my experience in that area.
1. D.O (Look up Doctors of Osteopath) in your area. Call them and ask the secretary if the doctor there prescribes any T3 medication or Armor or combo thyroid meds.
2. D.O.M ( Doctors of Oriental Medicine). I would look in to this as well. My current doctor is a DOM and she has me on 50mcg per day of T3 only by script. Not all will be this generous but these doctors generally have more time to talk and discuss shit. While she is giving me acupuncture, I am talking about hormones with her, etc.
3. When you do go in to your doctor, make sure you bring in evidence and key points. Tell them the last thing you want to do is treat a range, but rather alleviate your negative symptoms. Patients who feel like shit are unfortunately not familiar with google and are not self-informed. As you know, you know your body better than any doctor. So make sure to come with ammo. I will give you an example. I was on T4 only. Put on 10lbs of fat in 1 month all while dieting, got anxiety, felt depressed, no sex drive, etc. I printed out info and Thyroid tissue resistent people, etc and came at her with that ammo. She read over my paperwork and decided she would let me have some T3. She gave me T3 from a compounded pharmacy. It was SRT3 (Slow Release T3). I didn't feel a thing on it. So I went in for my next appointment and I gave her paperwork that showed that SRT3 is subpar treatment for a lot of patients, etc. So I demanded pharm grade T3 (King Pharmaceuticals Brand) and once I got on that, I felt better. She was hesitant because she said that the Slow release stuff is safer. I told her I would multi dose my pharm T3 and start low. I felt 10 times better and she realized she had to be more open minded. Just don't hand your doctor 50 pages of shit to read. Bring in a page or 2 with highlighted parts with key facts/notes. Thats the best way to get a point across. Good luck!! Rant over. Lol
Just try to get the word Endocrinologist out of your mind. I have yet to meet one that prescribes any armor or even bothers to check your iodine levels.
1. D.O (Look up Doctors of Osteopath) in your area. Call them and ask the secretary if the doctor there prescribes any T3 medication or Armor or combo thyroid meds.
2. D.O.M ( Doctors of Oriental Medicine). I would look in to this as well. My current doctor is a DOM and she has me on 50mcg per day of T3 only by script. Not all will be this generous but these doctors generally have more time to talk and discuss shit. While she is giving me acupuncture, I am talking about hormones with her, etc.
3. When you do go in to your doctor, make sure you bring in evidence and key points. Tell them the last thing you want to do is treat a range, but rather alleviate your negative symptoms. Patients who feel like shit are unfortunately not familiar with google and are not self-informed. As you know, you know your body better than any doctor. So make sure to come with ammo. I will give you an example. I was on T4 only. Put on 10lbs of fat in 1 month all while dieting, got anxiety, felt depressed, no sex drive, etc. I printed out info and Thyroid tissue resistent people, etc and came at her with that ammo. She read over my paperwork and decided she would let me have some T3. She gave me T3 from a compounded pharmacy. It was SRT3 (Slow Release T3). I didn't feel a thing on it. So I went in for my next appointment and I gave her paperwork that showed that SRT3 is subpar treatment for a lot of patients, etc. So I demanded pharm grade T3 (King Pharmaceuticals Brand) and once I got on that, I felt better. She was hesitant because she said that the Slow release stuff is safer. I told her I would multi dose my pharm T3 and start low. I felt 10 times better and she realized she had to be more open minded. Just don't hand your doctor 50 pages of shit to read. Bring in a page or 2 with highlighted parts with key facts/notes. Thats the best way to get a point across. Good luck!! Rant over. Lol
Just try to get the word Endocrinologist out of your mind. I have yet to meet one that prescribes any armor or even bothers to check your iodine levels.