Well your doctor would know best but generally nodules can be nothing or can be everything. An ultrasonography is done to see if they're cysts or solid nodules, a biopsy might be done to see if they're cancerous or benign, and hot nodules (that cause you to produce too much hormone) are almost always benign while cold nodules (cause thyroid to produce too little hormone) have a few types that are cancerous.
Treatment options for nodules are usually either synthetic hormone replacement or surgery if cancerous. If you've been diagnosed wth Hashimoto's though this is moot, you're primarily concerned with replacing the hormone your body isn't producing. Most thyroid hormone replacement therapies are reversible meaning if you start them and decide to stop later on, your thyroid will go back to 'normal' after a few weeks, whatever normal is to you in this case hypothyroidic. If you really suffer no symptoms you don't necessarily have to treat it but with what I just said, you can try treating it to see if something changes for the better and if not come back off. Thyroid armour and T3 would def be better options than T4 (especially considering you have great T4 values so you may also have a conversion to T3 issue). T4 is the inferior treatment method for the most part. The only way to know what your doctor will prescribe is to ask. If he does T4 and refuses to hear you out on other options go doctor shopping and call ahead to see what treatment options each doctor is used to prescribing.
wow thanks for the great reply. I dunno I feel like shit having the doctor tell me I might have hashimotos because of the noduels they found. Like I said I feel fine and am not gaining crazy fat. TSH being 6.6 doesn't seem that high to me given the range is .5-5
He never tested for the antibodies that would show an auto immune disease so that might be something to look into. How would you know if I have a t4 to t3 conversion problem?