Are you even taining now or are you this new breed of "when off--off weights--off food---on night life.
I do not want a bone to pick w you Parham but GODDAMNIT it s ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that attitude that KILLS it for us and make s me so leary of the future if u did it for fun.
But it s a free ( lololol) country and I respect youyr honesty. You look athletic yes. You ve a tight waiste yes. A weight lifter no. A physique guy-no. An average 6 ft 175 pound guy-yes-and that s a blessing dude. In today s mega meal society you should take up cross fit or tri athletic shit as for for 6 ft you nedd 50 pd s to look like this 51 yr old white dude who has 2 joints made of titantium and a host of 1, 2 3 place in strength and bodybuilding. This is a hard hobby to get good at-chillax-u look good as is.....
weight=dollars-period food food food gear food gearrfood food food