do u guys think doctors would prescribe steroids?

very true. I think the script I have for deca is like only .7 ml per week,, Of course when they send me 4 bottles of it,, every time I call and ask,, I can take whatever dosage I want.

See now thats just beautiful. Time to take advantage, and stop being taken advatage of. Love it Roush.
See now thats just beautiful. Time to take advantage, and stop being taken advatage of. Love it Roush.

Hey Shredder, your Avi looks way better then that hospital thingy you had going ;)

Well it's nice to be able to have choices.. multiple sources and contacts,, plus when I travel I got my gear in a prescription bottle so I don't have to worry about hiding crap.. except for the tren (which I've never ran, but have and will be doing a test tren cruise at some point near future)
Hey Shredder, your Avi looks way better then that hospital thingy you had going ;)

Well it's nice to be able to have choices.. multiple sources and contacts,, plus when I travel I got my gear in a prescription bottle so I don't have to worry about hiding crap.. except for the tren (which I've never ran, but have and will be doing a test tren cruise at some point near future)

Lol thanks Roush.....Tury set me straight lmfao.

Ya the travel aspect is a huge bonus.

Oh man, low Test cruise with moderate Tren and super high Primo......Watch out. That would be a beautiful thing.
Do you really think that a guy who spent well over 100k on his education, 8-10 years of his life, AND his sole means of income all at risk because you're buddy buddy?

But bro, they are buddy buddy
Obviously you underestimate the importance of buddy buddy.....

Yep having my Test E on a script is a godsend if I want to travel! Same with Adex etc really makes life easier.

Also Schredder you beast, whens the Mast/Deca run begin?