I shave it all...
FYI, DO NOT USE A RAZOR OR STANDARD Norelco type shaver to shave above ur guy, u will get a terrible case of razor burn from the razor and the stander Norelco Shavers will cut ya, I used to use clippers but Norleco just came out with a Men's grooming shaver that doesnt cut quite as close as the ones made for your face and THAT MOTHER FUCKER RULES!!!! I can get my business almost completely smooth, girls FLIP OUT!!
Now on the other hand, for ur sling, first get it reasonable close with clippers if u need too and then use a standard issue Sensor or Mach3 etc to get it totally smooth...just stretch out the skin and go nuts (pun intended). I do it dry, u dont need shavin cream or anything...Ive been doing this for almost 15 years and have never once nicked my sac and i wont lie, ive had the occasional drop by hunnie and needed a quick touch up and frantically rushed through it before and still NEVER a nic, oh and the hunnie never knew
Trust me or us, if you dont already COMPLETELY shave ur business AT LEAST once a week, please at least give it a try, i bet it will change ur life...it sure did mine cause there aint nothin quite like hearin a girl gasp when she realizes just exactly whats up....EXCEPT for how quickly the helmet polishin/protien injectin ceremony commences after the gasp -AND- the frequency ever after