Do you think 250iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) eod would raise DHT or will magnesium oil,which ups DHEA


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Do you think 250iu of hcg eod would raise DHT or will magnesium oil,which ups DHEA

MY DHT is in the low normal (range-30-85)Tested DHT 3 times over last 2 yrs.35,49,39.I know you can get DHT cream compounded.Pro's --increases libido and dick strength,can lower E2 by 50%(so I can cut back on arimidex.Con's-- back to guessing game on E2 again,also could raise hemoglobin levels too high,Test. does this to me alittle as my normal hemogobolin is 17(range 14-17)(I wonder if you would need to worry much if you kept DHT in mid-high normal range) Testosterone cream applied to bag.Pro's--raises libido an increases dick strength. Con's-- could possibly convert fair amount to E2,wouldn't it be very unlikely at this small dosage?Guess you could always lower cypionate dosage and use with test. cream? Help! Thanks!