Do you think any steroids have a "permanent" effect? after giving them up?

Oh let me rephrase i reread the title says "think" well think all you want and dont bring science into this cuz you have no proof only thought
Interesting thread. Even with optimal training and diet, take hgh and slin out of the equation. For a given individual it makes sense to me that x ng/dl test serum levels will support only so much muscle mass. Hgh increases the amount of fibers, yes? AAS increases size of said fibers. Take away training, exogenous test, hgh, slin etc and it make perfect sense that individual will shrink back down to very near muscle mass to where he started using drugs.
The number of muscle fibers added during years of training and hgh will still be there. Add back in the drugs( recovery) and the training, one can make awesome gains quicklike. Call it muscle memory if you like. It wouldn't take long to start looking like the lifter of old. Muscle shape gained from years of AAS will come back. Age will definitely have an effect on the finished product however.
Again, my opinion, but after an extended time off drugs and training, the result will not be good
This is an interesting topic. Im a newbie af so i will not put in my input, but there isnt tons of research on this topic. I do know that of the few studies i have read, the argument is in regards to satellite cells that the body creates from steroid use(along with training etc) which are not lost once stopping. Genetically doesnt seem so, but on a cellular level maybe? Myonuclear Accretion happens via proliferation and fusion of those satellite cells which means that they permanently have more nuclei per muscle fiber.
Researching this shit makes researching education a calkwalk lol. if u wanna read the studies pm me and i can email them
Fuck you they are weak as fuck if they can maintain the same strength on trt stop spreading non sense im not some fucken newb kid..... What a fucken insult what the fuck are steroids for if i can be just as strong without them wanna slap your ass lol

You could try, but it wouldn't end well for you :moon:

Regardless of keeping gains or not, to answer the question. At the cellular level for sure, there are permanent changes. Not everyone will be able to keep appreciable visible gains like mass and strength, especially quitting cold turkey.
not sure what there is to argue about with this topic , both formal science and bro-science has known for years that steroids alter your genetics . steroids mess with your RNA. They change how your DNA (the information detailing your genetic makeup) gets to be interpreted or translated by your RNA by way of androgen receptors which regulate gene expression.

Genetic changes are permanent. Want a very simple example of this. Look at a woman who takes Steroids and then develops an enlarged clit , masculine face, hair growth . these are un-reversable side effects. these are 'permanent' changes because steroids can permanently make changes to your genetics
not sure what there is to argue about with this topic , both formal science and bro-science has known for years that steroids alter your genetics . steroids mess with your RNA. They change how your DNA (the information detailing your genetic makeup) gets to be interpreted or translated by your RNA by way of androgen receptors which regulate gene expression.

Genetic changes are permanent. Want a very simple example of this. Look at a woman who takes Steroids and then develops an enlarged clit , masculine face, hair growth . these are un-reversable side effects. these are 'permanent' changes because steroids can permanently make changes to your genetics

Precisely, no argument besides the one 49er wants to make. Not sure what his issue is :doggy:
not sure what there is to argue about with this topic , both formal science and bro-science has known for years that steroids alter your genetics . steroids mess with your RNA. They change how your DNA (the information detailing your genetic makeup) gets to be interpreted or translated by your RNA by way of androgen receptors which regulate gene expression.

Genetic changes are permanent. Want a very simple example of this. Look at a woman who takes Steroids and then develops an enlarged clit , masculine face, hair growth . these are un-reversable side effects. these are 'permanent' changes because steroids can permanently make changes to your genetics

Simple Simon says this ^^^^^^^^. I like it !! and that's what I have experienced.
not sure what there is to argue about with this topic , both formal science and bro-science has known for years that steroids alter your genetics . steroids mess with your RNA. They change how your DNA (the information detailing your genetic makeup) gets to be interpreted or translated by your RNA by way of androgen receptors which regulate gene expression.

Genetic changes are permanent. Want a very simple example of this. Look at a woman who takes Steroids and then develops an enlarged clit , masculine face, hair growth . these are un-reversable side effects. these are 'permanent' changes because steroids can permanently make changes to your genetics
Are you actually comparing changes in nuclei with virilization in women?
Women are women if they take men's hormones id ecpect permanent change just like if we tske female hormones. Whi gives a fuck anyway op meant it more in a way as his friend looks awesome because he used steroids and stopped and he looks different i call bullshit has nothing to do cuz he cycled
In some ways I think the cellular ***8216;muscle memory***8217; mechanism has lasting effect for decades. This is an article I once read, It sounds very well.