Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Yeah, that may be even crazier. I guess people meet on WoW and shit though. Did you guys live near each other at the time?

Yes, we were chatting and realized we were maybe 5 miles apart. Back at that time AOL stioll charged by the hour. I said that was stupid since it was a free local call and sent her my number (remember dial up and land lines? My god I'm old)
The feds have given it the green light and said they will not interfere. One of the issues still being worked out are the banking laws. It's illegal for banks to knowingly accept drug money. All of the medical places are cash only because of that. I haven't looked in a while, but I'm pretty sure our new law goes way beyond just decriminalization. I'm pretty sure the original prop was written by some stoned guys that never expected it to pass, so it's pretty broad. Guess we'll know for sure after the first of the year.

Interesting... I'll have to look into that.
I used to be big into MMO's
One of my good friends on there met some woman who also played.
They were inseparable on there and eventually wound up getting married in-game.
After several months the guy then disappears and I don't see either one for a while.

I finally track him down and ask him what the deal was.
He tells me that last night was the first time his "wife" sent him pictures of the real her.
He basically burned his computer down and gouged out his eyes.

lol, Rahl I miss you buddy.

Lmfao! Why, WHY would you ever marry someone without meeting them?
Yes, we were chatting and realized we were maybe 5 miles apart. Back at that time AOL stioll charged by the hour. I said that was stupid since it was a free local call and sent her my number (remember dial up and land lines? My god I'm old)

That beats Half's story for sure. Crazy. Yes, I remember dial up and land lines hahaha. I'm not THAT young.






The enigma of my physiology stumps another one :)

If you, Dre and Austin want a science project, I'm here.
No kidding. Like, that shouldn't be even possible for your body to do that. Without a negative feedback loop, your testes would explode!

One of two things must be going on here:
You either have a very happy wife


You missed your anniversary one year and it is now tattoo'd somewhere on your body.
Well, I'm hoping the first - but the honest truth is that I have picked every date in my relationship carefully or memorized it somehow. The date we met for the first time happens to be the PIN for our debit cards since the late 90's haha. Our anniversary is the day after Christmas, her birthdate I remember because the month and day summed up equal a holiday in the same month. Hmmm, just some of my tricks haha.

I usually just toss em once they're full. Shockingly the one I have here doesn't stink. The one I have at home... omfg, I gag just touching it and it's not even close to full.

Man that's crazy! I wonder what the odds are of blind dates actually working out, let alone getting married lol. You got married young too. You're like 35 right?
I honestly have 3 full 2-liters of spit and dip on my desk at home. I normally chuck em once they're full, but I do get lazy on occasion. As this has been an exam week, I've filled two of them in a matter of days. :spin: I'm 37, but yes - we married quite young. I was almost 20 at the time. But then again, I partied and did a lot of things I shouldn't have as a young teen. I hung out with the crowd that went to bars and strip clubs with fake ID's at the age of 16. I still have no idea how those worked given that I can spot a minor a MILE away now. Good times. :D

I think I already admitted to meeting mine in an AOL chat room.
Whoa, haha. That is pretty good. Then again, if it was AOL - that was before everyone learned how to have an online persona 180 degrees different than they are IRL.

Yeah, that may be even crazier. I guess people meet on WoW and shit though. Did you guys live near each other at the time?
I know two couples that met in WoW and are still married. I also know a couple that got a divorce because of WoW, which led to them each marryinn someone else from the game. Damn nerds and online relationships. :p

I tried to back trace this one...


and a bunch of hentai porn came up.
Jade Marie Baird. What do I win??!
how the hell do you back trace in the first place??
Easiest way is to open another browser and go to and drag the image onto it. Select "all" sizes and see the results. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you get a page of hentai haha.