Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

WTF. You should be COMPLETELY shut down with an LH/FSH of .1 or less... Your negative feedback loop has something going on there. DHEA should help with the anxiety and possibly lethargy. I notice a difference, but I can't help but to wonder if HCG is what I'm missing.

The enigma of my physiology stumps another one :)

If you, Dre and Austin want a science project, I'm here.
I mean across the board, federally. Grow it, sell it, trade it, smoke it, etc.

I'm still waiting to see exactly what "legal" means here. I was assuming the medical places will just stop asking for a medical card, but I think the new law also allows anyone that sells alcohol to sell it as well. Will I see TV commercials with a dog on a skateboard with a bong named Buds McKenzie? Will there be brand named corporate bud at the store? Will it be Phillip-Morris or Anhieser Busch? What does "Legal like beer" really mean?
do some research.. PM already has a patent on it if it were to become legal
I'm still waiting to see exactly what "legal" means here. I was assuming the medical places will just stop asking for a medical card, but I think the new law also allows anyone that sells alcohol to sell it as well. Will I see TV commercials with a dog on a skateboard with a bong named Buds McKenzie? Will there be brand named corporate bud at the store? Will it be Phillip-Morris or Anhieser Busch? What does "Legal like beer" really mean?
Been there, done that. It starts to smell pretty bad after awhile haha.

My friend knew her friend and they wanted to have someone go along on their first date. So they talked us into meeting each other. That was 18 years, 4 months and 10 days ago. ;) Our friends ended up not making it, but we somehow did. :eek:

Yep, once enough people want it legal, it will be. Sadly, AAS is the bogeyman, so that's not going to happen any time soon.

I usually just toss em once they're full. Shockingly the one I have here doesn't stink. The one I have at home... omfg, I gag just touching it and it's not even close to full.

Man that's crazy! I wonder what the odds are of blind dates actually working out, let alone getting married lol. You got married young too. You're like 35 right?
i wouldn't say you were over the boarder with it... what i worry about is people researching steroids and finding drug talk on he same site.. adds to the retarded stereotype we are already dealing with
Oh, sorry 3J. I'm going to claim I was merely discussing state law, but I'll shut up now.
I'm still waiting to see exactly what "legal" means here. I was assuming the medical places will just stop asking for a medical card, but I think the new law also allows anyone that sells alcohol to sell it as well. Will I see TV commercials with a dog on a skateboard with a bong named Buds McKenzie? Will there be brand named corporate bud at the store? Will it be Phillip-Morris or Anhieser Busch? What does "Legal like beer" really mean?

Decriminalized for medicinal use only I'd imagine. Idk. I don't know what the law really is over in Colorado. Technically the feds can still come in and shut shit down though, so I honestly have no idea. I don't really pay attention to it anymore. I'm sure Doc would know :p
On a different note, who's going to win the Olympia this year?!

I'd like to see Kai win but Phil will probably take it.
Jay will place just due to comeback politics.
The feds have given it the green light and said they will not interfere. One of the issues still being worked out are the banking laws. It's illegal for banks to knowingly accept drug money. All of the medical places are cash only because of that. I haven't looked in a while, but I'm pretty sure our new law goes way beyond just decriminalization. I'm pretty sure the original prop was written by some stoned guys that never expected it to pass, so it's pretty broad. Guess we'll know for sure after the first of the year.
Yeah, that may be even crazier. I guess people meet on WoW and shit though. Did you guys live near each other at the time?

I used to be big into MMO's
One of my good friends on there met some woman who also played.
They were inseparable on there and eventually wound up getting married in-game.
After several months the guy then disappears and I don't see either one for a while.

I finally track him down and ask him what the deal was.
He tells me that last night was the first time his "wife" sent him pictures of the real her.
He basically burned his computer down and gouged out his eyes.

lol, Rahl I miss you buddy.