Doc Says Test Levels Are Fine...I Disagree--Blood Test Results Included


New member
Hey everyone, I'm 23 years old and have been experiencing issues with low libido, attaining and maintaining an erection, and decreased orgasm for about 3 years now. I know this is my first post and all, and that this may sound strange, but I assure you I'm not a troll...lord knows I wish I was in this case. I just searched Google and this place seemed like it got decent traffic and was knowledgeable.

A couple years back I was worried about these issues, so I went and saw my doctor and he took my blood, looked at the results and said everything was fine. I personally do not know what my levels were back then, I didn't get a copy.

Because I trusted him, I figured it must not be a medical issue and perhaps it was just psychological and I would get over it (since I have often suffered from depression). Needless to say, I did not get over these issues. I've recently been dating a girl I really like. We've been taking it slow (luckily), and I was/am worried because I knew from past experience that I would perform poorly in bed (if I can even get hard) and that she would break it off with me. I really don't want to lose I went back to him last week and mentioned these issues to him again. This was very difficult for me to do, as I am very embarrassed about the whole situation.

Well, this time I received a copy of the blood test results along with a letter saying that everything was satisfactory and that I should go see a urologist for help with my issues. I am scheduled to see a urologist next week, but in the mean time the numbers I see on the test have me worried and I would like to be prepared for my visit.

Minus the general CBC, Lipid, and Metabolic Panel, the blood test said the following:

Value: 7.2
Reference Range: 4.5-12.0 mcg/dL

Value: 10.8
Reference Range: 2.0-18.0 ng/mL

Value: 379
Reference Range: 241-827 ng/dL

Value: 2.03
Reference Range: 0.40-4.50 mIU/L

I'm not sure about the Prolactin, but I read that it should be low for seems about mid ranged so I guess that's not a problem. The testosterone on the other hand seems to be very low considering my age. I found a chart searching Google that said my testosterone levels are healthy for an 80-90 year old man. I'm 23 years old! Needless to say, I'm very alarmed. I have yet to speak to him in person, but I don't understand how he can think this is satisfactory...I'm trying to live my life here and I'm just so sick of being hindered by these issues. Does anyone have some insight as to how I should go about asking for help? Before the results came back, he said if my testosterone results came back low than he would start me on a prescription for testosterone...but now that he's saying I'm fine in the letter I'm worried I won't be helped. Hopefully the urologist I'm going to see will have a different opinion than him, but my doctor is the guy who recommended him to I really don't know what to expect.

Has anyone here had any similar experiences? Can anyone please shed some light on how I can get help...I'm pretty miserable and I'm just about at wits end.
Im not a pro, but I have had my blood tested enough to know your stuff is fine. Take this advice if you want, but honestly it seems like this really is in your head. Seems like a case of depression/anxiety. Anxiety can be a fear of failure and this can prevent you from even trying. ( i know from experience)

Hows your diet? Hows your overall confidence? Hows your overall work out routine? Look at those questions, get help with those things then think of help.
Your test levels are fine by the doc standards as in they fall within a range (although in the lower end). Like ImNotJacked said, how is everything? Diet? How much do you drink? How do you feel about your self? And also, make sure you read a lot about what can effect testosterone, especially diet before starting TRT.
Here's a simple answer for you, my friend. You suffer from anxiety and possibly other related issues (depression as you've mentioned). Here's how to fix it. Grab yourself a bottle of liquid viagra (from one of our sponsors, of course) and the next time you know you're gonna fuck this gal, knock back a few drops. Fuck like a demon, then fuck again. If you've still got enough in you (maybe have a quick protein shake) fuck her once more. Problem solved.

It's all in your head. The next time you're in the same situation where it's time to bone, you'll do just that - without the liquid v. Why? Because you know you can.

I'm not just making this up, this is coming (cumming?) from experience! I went and got all the tests done under the sun. My results came back the same as yours - NORMAL!

I'm not having a dig or anything like that. Please ask any questions you have. I've been there as have a lot of men. I happen to be extra special and have a string of other wonderful mental illnesses to top off the anxiety. Life is fun!

This is all psychological. Stop paying specialists for answers even someone like me can give you.