does anyone have a good recipe for PAINLESS test E 300?

C Murda

New member
Test E pwder = 12 grams
BA (2%) = .8 ml
BB (18%) = 7.2 ml
GSO = 21.8 ml


this is what i had used my first batch and the PIP was so intense it was nearly crippling and lasted 3-5 days!!! it would also leave a giant lump/swollen area. i dont think it was an infection as it never progressed from there and would go away on its own also never felt sick and inj site was never warm to the touch. i was very sterile in the process of making and then injecting. i also gave some to a friend to try and he too was complaining about the pain so much that he was taking pain killers to be able to work!

what can i do? is there a better carrying oil? is it the BB? the BA? i need to make a stable batch that will have a good shelf life as i make a lot all at once and then store them for later use. my very first cycle that i had bought from a friend was the average pain with 250 Test E just felt like a big knot lasted 36-48 hrs and i didnt mind that at all.
It's not the oil. It's not the BA at 2% causing your problem. Recipe looks good but you can drop the BB, its not necessary at 300mg. What did you filter with?
It's not the oil. It's not the BA at 2% causing your problem. Recipe looks good but you can drop the BB, its not necessary at 300mg. What did you filter with?

filtered with .22 syringe filter. any suggestion on using a 50/50 mix with EO? will that help to make a painless pin? ive tried warming up the stuff, i pin slowly, rub the inj site for nearly 5 minutes, always clean and sterilize everything including inj site...
filtered with .22 syringe filter. any suggestion on using a 50/50 mix with EO? will that help to make a painless pin? ive tried warming up the stuff, i pin slowly, rub the inj site for nearly 5 minutes, always clean and sterilize everything including inj site...

The eo will make it more viscous and smoother pinning but many ppl have allergic reactions to it. It also can eat away at plastic and rubber I believe. Just use 1% BA, drop the BB, and make up for it with more GSO
I recommend 2% BA since we do not have a lab in our house. I'm not a fan of EO and have never needed it for any brew up to 400mg of test. Why use a harsh solvent when it isn't needed. It has to be something your doing during brewing it or your raws could be a little dirty. Everything looks good bud. I don't use BB in testE, deca, or EQ but I could and still have no pip.
i wondered about the raws... ive brewed from a diff batch of raws but same supplier and it came out normal? he assures me its 99% pure and even if it was "dirty" wouldnt filtering and the heat up process along with the BA make it "clean"?

does the same theory as boiling water to 100* kills all bacteria apply to when you are melting and mixing the powder? when i heat it up i have a thermometer in it to watch temperature and i think i may have brought it up to 100*...
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i wondered about the raws... ive brewed from a diff batch of raws but same supplier and it came out normal? he assures me its 99% pure and even if it was "dirty" wouldnt filtering and the heat up process along with the BA make it "clean"?

does the same theory as boiling water to 100* kills all bacteria apply to when you are melting and mixing the powder? when i heat it up i have a thermometer in it to watch temperature and i think i may have brought it up to 100*...

The filtering would clean it out for sure but only as much as your filter will allow. If you used a .2um filter you should be fine. BA doesn't sterilize anything, it keeps things sterile that already are sterile. The heating up process doesn't normally clean anything. You'd need pressure along with temperature as in an autoclave or a pressure cooker.