The problem with fakes is you never know what's really in them (unless you get then tested), and therefore you would certainly never want to inject them into your body.
What kind do you have and why do you think they are fake?
For StoneCold and Jyzza,...I haven't got a digit. cam but a friend of mine has one. I am goenna barrow it and I'll poste them as soon as possible prolly tomorrow,..
I am very curious,...
At the beginning i didn't know if they were fake, till I read some stuff on a dutch site about fake Deca and now I don't know it for sure anymore.
please take a look at it when I poste the photos to compare them,..I really hope you guys can help me out.
I have question what are the main signs for me too look for , I have yellow cap deca and im not sure if they are real! The ex date is in black. I really need to know what i need to look for so Ill know if they are real.
I have question what are the main signs for me too look for , I have yellow cap deca and im not sure if they are real! The ex date is in black. I really need to know what i need to look for so Ill know if they are real.
sigh. Could you ask a more ambiguous question. Something tells me that even if they are real, they aren't going to do much for you. Anyhow, try to get your hands on an anabolic reference guide...they have pictures of several of these products. or do a search on your question...several threads are available that will undoubtedly shed some light on this question.
I have been doing research online, and there is so many ppl saying so much. The deca i have looks like the real ones , i need to know more about the label, the one i has goes all the way around, ex date is 2006-08 batch #156430.
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