Does Masteron Enanthate need BB? (Homebrew)


New member
Preferably someone who has actually tried it because I keep seeing posts lump up all esters into the same category such as "enth & higher doesn't need BB" but then I see other people saying tren enth crashed without it, so there's obviously some discrepancy between the actual compounds as well.

It's been a real gong show looking for this because apparently search engines think that enth and prop are the same thing. Frustration levels definitely on the rise :|

Also, what's the highest concentration that would work for it without being painful?
Doubt I need very high but would like to be able to get away with 200-250mg/ml @ 0.9% BA. Carrier is GSO.
Figured I'd try again now that it's late & forum has slowed down.
Any takers?

Just gonna try it tomorrow morning if not.
I haven't brewed masteron as of yet, but curious to see if it works out. Let me know. Oh and if you use ethyl oleate then I'm sure you can get away with no bb.
I haven't brewed masteron as of yet, but curious to see if it works out. Let me know. Oh and if you use ethyl oleate then I'm sure you can get away with no bb.

Yeah, I was thinking of at least trying EO in the future sometime but I have a strong suspicion I may be allergic to it.

Anyway, I ended up trying 10% BB @ 200mg/ml to play it safe and it seems to be holding just fine. Will be going on a 2wk trip soon so that will be the greater test of time.
Also did up some test decanoate at 0% BB and 250mg/ml and it also seems fine.

Did 1cc of each and they are the most painless pins I've ever done. Not even a HINT of PIP.