Does Superdrol=Acne???


New member
I am getting mad acne especially on the back of my head and a bunch of tiny bumbs on my forehead. Anyone else have this problem? The strength gains are awesome but the acne is bad enough that I am going to discontinue the use of it. Going back to halodrol.
not directly, all AAS/PH/DS will do it man.

wash your face/chest/back 3x ED, tan 1-2x a wk, and look into NTBM acne wash or other AAS acne treatments
Always break out on my face with superdrol. I think most other PhD are weak and bullshit. So. I just suck it up. Got so bad I had to use accutane after one cycle.
Really i think some PH AAS side effects come down to whether or not you are prone to if you had them earlier on when you were a kid (IE gyno or acne)
i used drol , and i got a few big ass zits on my jawline/neck only 2-3 tho but fuck me they were big/painful and stayed around for a while