Does Test and Deca have the same scent?


New member
Does Test have the same scent as deca? Just bought some oils and they both smell almost the same. I've brewed Test E in the past and it has a smell that is distinctive, but on the other hand I don't have a clue of what deca smells like.
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i dont think so. your test should smell awesome and fruity. i dont know if deca has a certian smell to it.

edit: sorry i just seen you said you bought oils. in that case. i wouldnt have a clue.
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i dont think so. your test should smell awesome and fruity. i dont know if deca has a certian smell to it.

edit: sorry i just seen you said you bought oils. in that case. i wouldnt have a clue.

I've brewed Test E in the past and it has a smell that is distinctive, but on the other hand I have any knowledge of what deca smells like. Thanks for the response brah.
I've brewed Test E in the past and it has a smell that is distinctive, but on the other hand I have any knowledge of what deca smells like. Thanks for the response brah.

never brewed Deca either. However test E smells like... pinetree/little sugary. If one powder is legit, I believe the other one is too
Does Test have the same scent as deca? Just bought some oils and they both smell almost the same. I've brewed Test E in the past and it has a smell that is distinctive, but on the other hand I don't have a clue of what deca smells like.

Poindexter said:
This is what I've posted in various forums looking for an answer to this question, what do you think BM? I know I should have probably posted this in the beginners section but here goes. I have brewed my own Test in the past and I am familiar with the the smell of Test, in oil or in raw form its a smell in and of its own. I tapped into a bottle of Deca recently and I noticed it had the same smell, is this normal? Ive tried tren and it didnt smell like test so I'm just wondering did my source sell me Test for Deca? All help is appreciated.

Hey mate,

I have used UGL Test (Geneza pharm) and "Human grade" Deca (Norma Hellas), and I can say that neither smelled like the Test and Deca that I brewed.

I think that it's not reliable to determine the content of an oil by relying on just the smell, because the powder themselves aren't the only things that have a smell to them.

In addition to the smell of the powders themselves, the type of oil and solvents that were added could change the smell.

Based on what I have read, one of the solvents called Ethyl Oleate has a fruity smell to it. I have never had actual experience with EO, so I cannot say what it actually smells like, but I remember the UGL Test Prop that I used had a distinct fruity/flowery smell to it.

So basically, the best way to see if your Deca is really Deca (and not Test) is by using it for a week or two - by itself. If you have an increased sex drive, then it is Test, not Deca. Real Deca should give you "Deca dick". :p
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