Doesn't Lift. Takes Trenbolone. Starts Lifting. Results.


New member
Some have maybe seen me on another forum. I decided to post here because it just means more feedback. Before I began, I planned on doing this simply because the general consensus on steroid forums is noobs shouldn't take steroids, or you shouldn't take such and such on your first cycle, so I wanted to read the hate responses from the forum board conformists. I figured starting to lift and taking tren at the same time would be hilarious to see the gains I would make. The after photos are not current, but they are about 6 weeks into the cycle. I was around 128lbs at the start and am currently around 155, at 5'10. The first 3 weeks were the most insane. I would laugh uncontrollably just from seeing how fast I was gaining muscle. Anyway, I started my stack with 50mg Test P ED, and 100mg Tren Ace ED. I later added 50mg Masteron ED about 3 weeks in. I've been on for over 8 weeks now. As far as my dieting. I don't keep track. I maybe get 50g of protein a day. I figured my muscles would synthesize the protein I needed anyway. Essentially the same diet as before I started lifting. I view the supplement industry as a giant marketing scheme, inflating the value of something which has little to make it seem necessary. "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA" means lie your ass off to sell the product. I've seen the supplement GABA being sold. It does not even cross the blood-brain barrier. Total scam. One gram of protein has four calories, which means it is burned for energy, so I concluded consuming unnecessary amounts would be a waste. The only thing I keep track of is caloric intake. I consume around 2200-2400 calories a day on average, depending on what I do that day. I also run a lot. I did not want to gain any fat so I did not overeat. Two photos each before and after. I also take alprazolam, so I have not experienced any of the reported unwanted mental effects of tren. I think not being able to sleep would piss me off.
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Well this is one way to do it I guess... 0-60 now now now.
What happens when u come off? Muscle memory is a bitch
If I say what I want to you and about you I could get banned. The other reason not to say those things is because this is what you want to hear. Then I guess you and your girly friends can laugh. So have a laugh, you were successful in getting just a few responses.

By the way do you know how ignorant it is to say you were gaining muscle??? Water my friend, water is all it is.
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Lots and lots of water.

Think about it. You were eating so few calories. Do you think 27lbs in 8 weeks of 2300 calories on average is possible? Mathematically....not once ;)

Your tdee without gear is prob 2000 on maintenance. 300 cal surplus and a deficiency in protein...over 56 days. For 27lbs of gains???? ;)

Congrats if it gave you what you want. Just wait until you are off before you think thats your new body. You will shrink faster than post coitus.
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You went from having a 14 year old boy physique to having a 17 year old BOYS physique.

Yeah the kiss face/ duck face thing is super cool.
Let the haters hate, it's your body do what you want.

There is progress, though one flaw in your logic is the protein. To build muscle, you need the building blocks of muscle which are amino acids, amino acids come from breaking down protein, your body cannot synthesize amino acids from carbs or fats.

As for the weight gain, a good portion of it is probably glycogen retention(energy stores within the muscle). With the mast/tren the water weight shouldn't be much you don't have that soft appearance from high estrogen related water retention.

If your solely focused on gaining size I'd probably drop the mast and add in npp or deca, as well as i'd probably switch to long estered test. Though with nandrolone and tren you would be wise to have caber or prami on hand.

Lastly with rapid changes to your body the weakest link is going to be your connective tissue, don't attempt to overexert yourself with adding weight to your lifts, while the muscle may move it, the tendons are not used to that much stress and you may have problems.
Lmao... This thread made my day. RIP tendons lol.

Also I love this "my muscles will synthesize protein coz im on gear" .... Christ didn't you listen in school? Are you still in school? First thing you learn about science is energy cannot be created or destroyed... It can only be transferred. So tell me how your muscles are breaking physics?

50g pro is a joke. This whole thread is a joke lol. And x3 you need to do somethn about your face...
Lmao... This thread made my day. RIP tendons lol.

Also I love this "my muscles will synthesize protein coz im on gear" .... Christ didn't you listen in school? Are you still in school? First thing you learn about science is energy cannot be created or destroyed... It can only be transferred. So tell me how your muscles are breaking physics?

50g pro is a joke. This whole thread is a joke lol. And x3 you need to do somethn about your face...

That 4 calories per gram is the energy being burned dumbass.
Being that skinny I figured I would atleast see some ab definition, its just telling me majority of the weight u put on is water
50g of protein on tren?u need to eat man to grow
U are not making a point to anybody bro, one reason why it looks like to are putting on some size is cause u are lean to begin minus not having abs ( shaking my head) being so lean, so its gonna look like u are puttig on size but nothing food couldnt do in replace of steroids, man 128lbs is way underweight
There is a person at my work exactly like u, not to be rude but a fat/skinny guy,what I mean is skinny with no muscle, but a fat skinny if u know what I mean, thought he could be a model for a catalog and when he took his tarp off they pretty much said the same thing, he truly did get embarrassed when he had to tell his co workers how he did, they told him the exact same thing a fat/skinny guy without no muscle
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i agree with you.....i like your's what i was doing for about six weeks source run out....its the best.. i tried some other brands...but they make me sick.