doing only 12 sets just doesn't feel like a real workout.. I feel i'm going allout


New member
I've been doing a mon-fri 1 bodypart a week split with test E 500mg/week into 2 injections a week

i'll do 12-16 sets depending on the muscle.

I just don't feel like i'm really beating that muscle down.. I work as heavy as I can without sacrificing a bunch of form. I rest probably 60-90 (120 for big lifts like bench sometimes more) seconds depending on the exercise you're all going to just say (you're intensity is not high enough) but wtf am I supposed to do rest 30 seconds and be done with the workout in 15 minutes lol?

My body just isn't responding.. i'm not growing. I blew up 15 pounds and i'm 9 weeks into this cycle and I know it's all water. my muscles look no different and measurements are all the exact same. I'm 2 pounds less than a week ago.. wtf

i'm eating at 4k calories a day with 200-250g protein at 190 pounds. rest of the calories come from carbs and some fats.

I've literally gained nothing but water. I blew up all of that 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks and my weight has not moved since..just rolled up and down a few pounds. and no i'm not losing fat.. my abbs are LESS visible than when I started

wtf is going wrong. (and my gear is not bunk I had blood work)
I am doing a 1 body part per week split soon too on my next bulk.
I've always trained muscles twice a week, but I haven't seem much growth tbh.

If your test is NOT bunk, Then:

-Ur calories are not enough to grow. U said u gained water weight? Well thats a given with increase in carbs and test and if your not using right dosage of AI and Sodium prob too.

Raise your calories MORE. Maybe the Loss in weight is cause ur actually in a deficit and at first it was just water gains.

In terms of training:
I like the two styles.. (One I made up) and the other is more DC Style.

Flat x3/x3
Pyramind Up Sets 1,2,3,..Each to failure
Then Drop the Weight moderately Low and do the same weight 3 times in a row after your 3rd heaviest set with about 5-10 seconds break in btw MAX.

The other style is DC:

Flat x1
Meaning Do ur warm ups, then set a weight on that u can reach about 11-12 reps. Then Takes 15 Deep breath Or approx 30 seconds, Then Do it again, And Again
For a total of 3 Sets with the same weight. Each time It should go Down dramatically and feel much harder. Like the first time u would hit 10-12 reps, second time 6-8, then 3rd set would be like 2-4.
1 body part per week is not sufficient enough frequency or volume for hypertrophy. its as simple as that, your chest for example is spending the whole week recovering from one workout ? you don't need that much recovery unless your benching 500 pounds for reps. hit your chest 3+ times a week and every other body part. you can't grow with that little of workload.

if your a 200 pound dude that benches say 225 pounds for reps , then you don't create near enough overload of the muscle to warrant a weeks worth of rest . if your a 300 pound monster, then you may need a whole week to recover because benching 500 pounds for reps is a huge amount of volume
Sorry to break the news but test isnt anything to brag about for building muscle. And seriously how much muscle do you think is possible in a few weeks? Think long term how much you will grow in a year. If you feel you are not hitting the muscle enough then you are not just work until you are fatigued bo matter how manybsets it takes
1 body part per week is not sufficient enough frequency or volume for hypertrophy. its as simple as that, your chest for example is spending the whole week recovering from one workout ? you don't need that much recovery unless your benching 500 pounds for reps. hit your chest 3+ times a week and every other body part. you can't grow with that little of workload.

if your a 200 pound dude that benches say 225 pounds for reps , then you don't create near enough overload of the muscle to warrant a weeks worth of rest . if your a 300 pound monster, then you may need a whole week to recover because benching 500 pounds for reps is a huge amount of volume

this is exactly what I was looking for. This makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you.
1 body part per week is not sufficient enough frequency or volume for hypertrophy. its as simple as that, your chest for example is spending the whole week recovering from one workout ? you don't need that much recovery unless your benching 500 pounds for reps. hit your chest 3+ times a week and every other body part. you can't grow with that little of workload.

if your a 200 pound dude that benches say 225 pounds for reps , then you don't create near enough overload of the muscle to warrant a weeks worth of rest . if your a 300 pound monster, then you may need a whole week to recover because benching 500 pounds for reps is a huge amount of volume

Honestly Roush,

U told me this last time and it's just not right.
If u want to hit a muscle TWICE PW, then ur volume Must be Very low for it to be effective. If u Hit it hard twice a week, u will grow at such a SLOW rate or it will just lead to nothing but recovery for the next workout, meaning pretty much no NEW mass gained. Except for BF Prob if ur in a surplus. I'm pretty firm that this was my problem and it would classified as: Overtraining even on AAS.

Doing a 1 body part PW Split is much better because it gives u 2 Full days of recovery (Mid Week end + End of Week).
It Makes ur routine shorter and u spend less time in the gym -> More recovery time + Less Stress on the Muscles + Less Calories overall to consume in order to grow
U Need to remember man: MUSCLES grow at home, when U eat, when u Rest. They ain't growing when ur coming back nonstop to the gym like a fool.

I've heard all it takes is 1 Little bit of stimulation on a muscle (Meaning 1 hard set) to reach the point of req to grow for the day. U don't need to hammer the hell out of them twice a week. I am only doing it right now while I cut down, It's extra cardio IMO, but during bulking I will for sure be swapping it out
when I'm looking for mass growth.

Hit chest 3 times a week? Come on ROUSH..................................This is about as bad as I seen the guy in my gym tell me he hits arms every day of the week. WTF lol

I making a solid Log on my coming up bulk and cycle and I'll keep it really up to date for a few members on this board, including you, because I want u to see that some of these bro science terms and statements u keep saying are not true at all.

I go to a few gyms and I see some of the biggest guys in there. There height varies and they sure don't bench no 500, but they are muscle dense and thick and they always agree when I ask them my OLD routine vs their current one, that it's better to do 45-1H. In and Out of the gym.
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1 body part per week is not sufficient enough frequency or volume for hypertrophy. its as simple as that, your chest for example is spending the whole week recovering from one workout ? you don't need that much recovery unless your benching 500 pounds for reps. hit your chest 3+ times a week and every other body part. you can't grow with that little of workload.

if your a 200 pound dude that benches say 225 pounds for reps , then you don't create near enough overload of the muscle to warrant a weeks worth of rest . if your a 300 pound monster, then you may need a whole week to recover because benching 500 pounds for reps is a huge amount of volume

Honestly Roush,

U told me this last time and it's just not right.
If u want to hit a muscle TWICE PW, then ur volume Must be Very low for it to be effective. If u Hit it hard twice a week, u will grow at such a SLOW rate or it will just lead to nothing but recovery for the next workout, meaning pretty much no NEW mass gained. Except for BF Prob if ur in a surplus. I'm pretty firm that this was my problem and it would classified as: Overtraining even on AAS.

Doing a 1 body part PW Split is much better because it gives u 2 Full days of recovery (Mid Week end + End of Week).
It Makes ur routine shorter and u spend less time in the gym -> More recovery time + Less Stress on the Muscles + Less Calories overall to consume in order to grow
U Need to remember man: MUSCLES grow at home, when U eat, when u Rest. They ain't growing when ur coming back nonstop to the gym like a fool.

I've heard all it takes is 1 Little bit of stimulation on a muscle (Meaning 1 hard set) to reach the point of req to grow for the day. U don't need to hammer the hell out of them twice a week. I am only doing it right now while I cut down, It's extra cardio IMO, but during bulking I will for sure be swapping it out.

Hit chest 3 times a week? Come on ROUSH..................................This is about as bad as I seen the guy in my gym tell me he hits arms every day of the week. WTF lol

Just because you train like a little bitch doesn't mean everyone else dose what is wrong with training chest 3 days a week your on anabolic steroids' for fuck sake man up
1 body part a weeks on your next bulk enjoy becoming a fat fuck with no muscle mass if that's your training routine literally in your picture I doesn't even look like you lift maybe in part because you barley do your like a fat guy giving diet advises
Your training is shit that's all good for you but don't pass on shit advice and blast members that have probably forgotten more than you will ever know
Hit chest 3 times a week? Come on ROUSH..................................This is about as bad as I seen the guy in my gym tell me he hits arms every day of the week. WTF lol

you have any idea what training frequency and volume even are , or that they are the key factors for hypetrophy . you need to do some study and reading on training and exercise programming . Start with someone like Dr. Mike Israetel (for your own benefit man , maybe listen to a few lectures online)

if you think you can train like a 300 pound body builder and get results , go ahead. 90% of most guys need volume and frequency. very few people have Dorian Yates mental tuffness and intensity .
I go to a few gyms and I see some of the biggest guys in there. There height varies and they sure don't bench no 500, but they are muscle dense and thick and they always agree when I ask them my OLD routine vs their current one, that it's better to do 45-1H. In and Out of the gym.

nothing wrong with getting in and out of the gym in one hour . but doing 45 mins of chest total per week ! lol not going to cut it . your chest will spend the rest the week atrophying from lack of stimulation , not growing .
Just because you train like a little bitch doesn't mean everyone else dose what is wrong with training chest 3 days a week your on anabolic steroids' for fuck sake man up
1 body part a weeks on your next bulk enjoy becoming a fat fuck with no muscle mass if that's your training routine literally in your picture I doesn't even look like you lift maybe in part because you barley do your like a fat guy giving diet advises
Your training is shit that's all good for you but don't pass on shit advice and blast members that have probably forgotten more than you will ever know

Blakey before u Choose to troll on my personal Picture, How about u put out your own? Last I recall ur AVI was a pencil with no back at all. Assuming ur hitting chest 3 times a week, I would expect u not to be growing in size but remaining with a average "ab twig" body look like most gym goers have because they can't train proper or diet. I am in NO way boosting about myself, but I'm fairly certain I much rather look like a BBers compared to you and granted all i want is mass, that should count as something.

PS: don't tell me to man up. If it req me to say in the gym for 2+ hours I would to get to my goals.
Believe it or NOT, but I use to be in the gym for 2.5-2.8 Hrs PER DAY, 6 times a week and I did that BS for over a year. I put on hardly any progress on that and no i wasn't sitting around. I would just do sooo Many sets per muscle group on my PUSH DAY with sooo many drop sets added in.

nothing wrong with getting in and out of the gym in one hour . but doing 45 mins of chest total per week ! lol not going to cut it . your chest will spend the rest the week atrophying from lack of stimulation , not growing .

So ur telling me that training chest once PW will Actually decrease my chest mass? Maybe Ur better off saying it will yield slower results.............
If this statement was true, then no one would be making progress on 1 bodypart PW splits anymore. It just comes down to diet surplus and recovery and no over training to grow correctly.

I am only UNCERTAIN on the volume amount PW. If it should be High Volume OR LOW. Thats the thing I'm missing on my routine.
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So ur telling me that training chest once PW will Actually decrease my chest mass? Maybe Ur better off saying it will yield slower results.............
If this statement was true, then no one would be making progress on 1 bodypart PW splits anymore..

Keeping this in context of the OPs original question being this is his thread.

different body parts require different amounts of recovery time dependent on different factors, muscle size being one of them . A bicep muscle can recover from being overloaded during a training session in about 24-36 hours . But , a quad muscle is much larger and uses much heavier weights to be overloaded and it may require 36-48+ hours to recover.

once a muscle has fully recovered , then it is no longer growing , and if its not stimulated for some time after its done recovering/growing then it can atrophy. so if you hit the bicep muscle monday , and its recovered by wednesday , then after weds its no longer growing , its ready for stimulation again to activate more growth.

bro splits are not that effective for a lot of guys , one reason is because again of different muscle groups requiring different recovery times. Properly formulated programming takes this into account. it also takes into account secondary stimulation (example, your triceps get worked on chest day , so this stimulation has to be accounted for in the programming).

if your bicep can recover in one day , your chest in two days , and your legs in 3 days , then a once per week 1 body part split is not that ideal cause it does not take this into account. also peoples body types and genetics play a very big role . MOST people need volume and frequency for optimal growth . some genetic freaks can grow from hitting one body part per week , sure.
I don't think the OP is one of those guys and he may be the norm and need more frequency.

edit. OMGmike , give the 1 body part per week a try and see how it works . I'm not against it , I've done it myself for over a year before , and I still implement it on occasion dependent on my training cycle (mainly for de-loads, times where I need some rest but still need to hit the gym, or during phases when time is short and i only have a few hours a week to train).
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Blakey before u Choose to troll on my personal Picture, How about u put out your own? Last I recall ur AVI was a pencil with no back at all. Assuming ur hitting chest 3 times a week, I would expect u not to be growing in size but remaining with a average "ab twig" body look like most gym goers have because they can't train proper or diet. I am in NO way boosting about myself, but I'm fairly certain I much rather look like a BBers compared to you and granted all i want is mass, that should count as something.

PS: don't tell me to man up. If it req me to say in the gym for 2+ hours I would to get to my goals.
Believe it or NOT, but I use to be in the gym for 2.5-2.8 Hrs PER DAY, 6 times a week and I did that BS for over a year. I put on hardly any progress on that and no i wasn't sitting around. I would just do sooo Many sets per muscle group on my PUSH DAY with sooo many drop sets added in.

So ur telling me that training chest once PW will Actually decrease my chest mass? Maybe Ur better off saying it will yield slower results.............
If this statement was true, then no one would be making progress on 1 bodypart PW splits anymore. It just comes down to diet surplus and recovery and no over training to grow correctly.

I am only UNCERTAIN on the volume amount PW. If it should be High Volume OR LOW. Thats the thing I'm missing on my routine.

I've put out many pictures go to my page that's recently taken and you can't see my back so the only one were I look small was when I was small and natural in my fighting weight for my weight class when I had a hat on I'm bigger and heavier than you so you can call me what you want still doesn't change the fact you look like shit your training is shit and you're knowledge of diet is shit as you have proven in other posts to sum it up you ain't shit
Just for thought. Take a look at the first few pages of some of the OLD USERS ON THIS FORUM working out in the gym, (obv using gear too) and they TRAINED twice PW in a either LOW OR HIGH VOLUME, then made changes to: ONCE PW Muscle group and Either did LOW OR HIGH VOLUME Depending on them.

That is a basic search based on this forums " body parts once per week steroidology" on google.

So......are all of those guys that changed from ur style to mine idiots? Because as far as each ONE POSTED for the most part, they have benefited much much more switching it once per week. U can show me studies, U can boast ur knowlege, but u sure as hell can't beat personal experience based on many types of guys...
I've put out many pictures go to my page that's recently taken and you can't see my back so the only one were I look small was when I was small and natural in my fighting weight for my weight class when I had a hat on I'm bigger and heavier than you so you can call me what you want still doesn't change the fact you look like shit your training is shit and you're knowledge of diet is shit as you have proven in other posts to sum it up you ain't shit

This is a picture, I never showed on the forum before. It's me at 138 lbs. Funny to me brother how we like so much alike. This was natural and a complete joke IMO.
The Second Picture is my size. Of Course I'm not shredded to the bone and I'm holding water, but My mass and u say its a joke? Come on, The pic speaks for itself.....
And keep in mind, ur pic is taken from a bottom up angel to make urself look bigger. How about stand straight at the least....

View attachment 565860
This is a picture, I never showed on the forum before. It's me at 138 lbs. Funny to me brother how we like so much alike. This was natural and a complete joke IMO.
The Second Picture is my size. Of Course I'm not shredded to the bone and I'm holding water, but My mass and u say its a joke? Come on, The pic speaks for itself.....
And keep in mind, ur pic is taken from a bottom up angel to make urself look bigger. How about stand straight at the least....

View attachment 565860

Ok man your back dose look thick and quiet a bit bigger than your avi picture and you have obviously come along way from your first picture
My profile pic wasn't taken to make myself look bigger only me trying to take a picture 1 handed I'll get my misses to take one for me straight on and post that up
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Sorry to break the news but test isnt anything to brag about for building muscle.

I must have missed part of the conversation somewhere because I know you aren't saying test isn't good for building muscles are you ?
I must have missed part of the conversation somewhere because I know you aren't saying test isn't good for building muscles are you ?

Show me your results on test and ill show you results on orals and tren. Hes on what 400mg or 500? And expects muscle in a few weeks? So ya that is what im saying you are correct
Ok man your back dose look thick and quiet a bit bigger than your avi picture and you have obviously come along way from your first picture
My profile pic wasn't taken to make myself look bigger only me trying to take a picture 1 handed I'll get my misses to take one for me straight on and post that up

He was already in hormones inthose so called natty pics or else he would post how he looks now and it would be a incredible difference.
Show me your results on test and ill show you results on orals and tren. Hes on what 400mg or 500? And expects muscle in a few weeks? So ya that is what im saying you are correct

I really loved my first go with test... honestly thought it was one of the best, I thought it was amazing for gaining LBM.

Just look at TRT, I was hypogonadal for a few years (150ng/dl) and went to a total T of around 1,000 with my TRT dose which allowed amazing results in gaining lean mass and dropping body fat.

Are you one of them guys that just don't like huge doses of T? Seems to be a personal preference among some fellas.
I really loved my first go with test... honestly thought it was one of the best, I thought it was amazing for gaining LBM.

Just look at TRT, I was hypogonadal for a few years (150ng/dl) and went to a total T of around 1,000 with my TRT dose which allowed amazing results in gaining lean mass and dropping body fat.

Are you one of them guys that just don't like huge doses of T? Seems to be a personal preference among some fellas.

We probably have different views on what looks awesome i never liked the look test alone gives and definitely do not like high doses 250mg is my favorite. My whole thing is hes not gonna gain lbs of muscle because he upped his test it takes years not sure what people expect from cycles. Anyine can take test or dbol and gain weight but its not true quality muscle