Donating blood????


New member
I have read that donating blood is good for your health. I also believe it is the cheapest way to have a VD screen as they check for HIV and other STD's. I am just wondering what else they check for???. Do any of you guys donate blood???
from what I understand if everything is ok you dont hear anything... I was just wondering what they look for. And how true is it that donating blood is good for your health??
I don’t know much about how healthy it is for you, never heard that before, its not like changing your oil or something. Either way, they ask you a shit load of questions and one of them on there is “have you ever stuck yourself with a needle for non-medical purposes.” Weather or not you lie is up to you, but what is the point. IMO, its not worth it, you don’t need to give blood that bad. Plus if you are talking about the STD’s thing you can do a search online and get a STD test for nearly nothing.
web_dj said:
i hear that you cant donate blood when juicing....I think but this is just what I heard

i dont think they check. Its not a matter of you cant, its a matter of you shouldnt. Its not ethical. Besides that, if you are jacking yourself with hormone, why would you give that shit away to someone? That blood cost you money.
rpwhit777 said:
And how true is it that donating blood is good for your health??

Very true if your RBC or hemoglobin count is too high. Those two factors can lead to strokes if left unchecked.
Lol :D
Well said.
I aint wasting my gear :D

Johny J said:
i dont think they check. Its not a matter of you cant, its a matter of you shouldnt. Its not ethical. Besides that, if you are jacking yourself with hormone, why would you give that shit away to someone? That blood cost you money.
If i was on a cycle i wouldnt donate blood for the simple fact that i want to keep my blood/gear levels the same! No need to throw it out of wack
I feel you with the idea of giving blood while on cycle. Right now I am not on and just wanted a free HIV test. I was curious as to what else they tested for because that would alleviate me having to pay for tests at the docs.....The HIV test is like 175$ at the docs, if I donate blood and have it I get a phone call, if not I dont hear anything....Free!!
You can do packed cell donations. Where they spin down your RBCs and give you back your plasma (with the juice). Its a fairly effective way of lower blood pressure as well.