Done converting


Mini Me, why are you ordering your Winstrol (winny) when all you have to do is go to a pharmacy on Wangfujing Street and buy all you want? 1 bottle of 100 tabs at 2mg is only 6RMB.
Nice Gym

Try Evolution Fitness Center. It's behind the Motorola building across from the Guomao subway station. They have dumbells up to 100lbs., squat rack, Smith machine and all Hammer Strength machines and lots of free weight.
Mini Me said:
Did you not cover all of this in several other posts???????????

Try Your Post ' Vial Breaking' I am sure Pullinbig answered this already,

Come on Ifrit it is alittle technical but not that difficult...


Mini Me

Interesting that you would coment on something written a week ago??

It wasn't meant as a flame as such, but as a reminder that this question was ASKED by himself and ANSWERED a couple of days earlier by Pullinbig!! (On both occasions) Even I understood it...

I for one am glad to recive advice from the likes of Pullinbig, and he does answer ALOT of questions!!! Some would say that he has become very extreamly valuable to this Forum... So why waste his or indeed any ones time doubling up on Questions.. ( Of course this is only my opinion, which seems to differ from yours!)

Interesting that you feel the need to use bold and capitals, like that is supposed to make me feel sorry... Please...

I think that all users should remember that this advice is FREE and is something that you CAN NOT get anywhere else!! The O'wise ones who share their advice / experience do so in their own free time at their cost. Lets all just remember that.. By all means ask a question, but do listen to the answer.


Mini Me
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We wouldn't have this board if the same question wasn't asked a million times. Look up T3 in the search and you'll see what I mean. It may have seemed like I asked the same question twice but it's all about interpretation sometimes.
Glad you replied, since I seem to be talkig to someone else about you...


This happened over a week ago, and I said what I wanted to say. I was pissed by what was just written by Drveejay11 so felt the need to reply..

Lets move on since my time is equally as valuable as yours,


Mini Me

I must admit that I didnt know about being able to buy Winstrol (winny) tabs over the counter. I am going to WangFuJing this afternoon so will check it out. Although 2mg is way too low. I might as well just make my own providing I can get something to suspend it in. It seems all of the gear over the counter is pretty weak, do you know if you can buy any other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) over the counter ??
I bought Prop over the counter, think I paid 12RMB for 10x1ml 25mg Something like that... but again too weak..

I know about the gym's but they are alittle expensive given my schedule. I was a member of Nirvana Near San Li Tun but costs too much.. (10500rmb for 2 people) Besides the gym equipment is fitted at home now so problem solved.

Sorry, there is only one pharmacy on Wangfujing that sells Winstrol (winny) tabs and even though I work nearby I cannot remember the name of the place. I will go by there and look at their store sign tonight after work. Again I apologize for this oversight. I have been all over Beijing to many hospitals and even a veterinarian university near the summer palace looking AAS. The only things I could find were andriol caps, test prop ampules 25mg/mL (I use them to dilute injections if the test prop or nandrolone phenylprop I am using gets too painful), clomid, tamoxifen, finasteride, and some kind of synthetic sugar I use to cut my dosages of oxymetholone out. I just take the powder straight with fruit juice...nasty taste though. You can buy scales (old balance type) at the big pharmacy (secong floor) at the end of Wangfujing across from the old church for 120RMB. You are right about the gyms being expensive. I paid 4,200 for 6 1/2 months for my wife and I. Hope you didn't waste too much time looking through all of the pharmacies.
Mini Me, the name of the pharmacy is Beijing Wangfujing Medicine and Appratus Company, Add: No. 267 Wangfujing Street. I have the telephone number if you want. One bottle of stanozolol tabs 2mg/tab 100tabs/bottle is 15.70 RMB. I saw them last night plus they have thyroid medicines for dieting as well.

Re: Why

thunderin said:
Mini Me, why are you ordering your Winstrol (winny) when all you have to do is go to a pharmacy on Wangfujing Street and buy all you want? 1 bottle of 100 tabs at 2mg is only 6RMB.

he'd have to eat 25 to 50 tabs a day. they make Winstrol (winny) in 50mg tabs now. In china. you guys got it made over there, hormone wise. :)

and just so i can get my feelings hurt a bit more how much is 15.70 RMB in USD?
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not to rub it in...just to satisfy curiosity 15.70 RMB=$1.90, a ten pack of test prop 25mg/mL ampules is $1 (great for diluting painful injections) oh and our shipping is free and 100% legal inside of China. If you're interested in finding work teaching over here, go to or they are both websites for English teachers looking for jobs. Ummm better if you're single if you know what I mean:)
you disgust me. lolololololololol s how is it over there? is the climate nice in your area and are the people friendly to you out of towners. (not the ho's either)

Beijing Wangfujing Medicine and Appratus Company is the place that I use at the moment for buying Syringes. As for the pills the doses are just too low, I would be taking alot of pills every day. Which is not a problem, but my only concern is that there is something else in the pill which you shouldnt be taking in such high doses (If that makes sense)

I use a compnay in Qingdao who has pretty much anything, and have found that it is pretty easy to make the gear at home, and at very high consentrates so will probably stick with that..

Just to answer you Q Pullinbig the all of people are very friendly esspec the girls :) The temp here is now 28 Degrees but will jump to some where near 40 in Summer. (I guess the weather is very similar to NY) Exchange rate 1USD = 8.3RMB
I use Qingdao as well. Got my last order in only 1 day. Since all of this is 100% legal over here, I will ask this question. I had to order vials, oil, BA and BB from the States last time, and it was very expensive...over $100 for shipping alone. Anyone know of a Chinese supplier of vials, sterile oil, BA and BB?

Pullinbig, I second what Mini Me said. The people here are genuinely friendly. They are so curious about the West, and they are truly crazy about speaking English. Heck, girls just come up to you on the street to talk to you, and you don't have to be rich or have movie star good looks. It is quite safe as well.

I bought BA over here for something like 20rmb for 500ml . BB no luck, tried in alot of places. Also picked up syringe filters at the same place as the BA for 2/3 rmb a filter. I have friends at the international hospital and sterile vials are a no go in China. I had to order mine over the internet and cost 30USD for Shipping of 20x20ml Vials and 100 ml of oil.

I dont have the address of the company but its in the Doung Su area of Beijing. If you want it I can send you it.


Mini Me