The Bulking Primer - Lean Mass Outline & Sample Diet

I don’t find anything wrong with your diet. But bulking diets are different for different bodytypes. AN Endomorph who tries to bulk on an ectomorph or mesomorphs diet will add a lot of fat maybe more then lean mass. I know I have done it. But great post just know one size doesn’t fit all.
I accept with information:There are many reasons that bulking diets fail but here are a few of the most common reasons:
1) Calories are not high enough and putting on muscle mass fails
2) Calories are too high and macros percentages are not in check. This in turn leads to putting on sloppy weight (fat) as well as muscle.
3) You are BULKING, not CHEATING. Cheat days will be factored in, but your food choices should still be healthy. All diets, whether cutting or buking, need to be monitored. This means that watching your insulin spikes and TYPE of carb intake is still important.
4) You are what you eat. It’s just that simple. To simplify, you eat crap and you will look like crap.
That being said let’s talk calories and figuring out daily needs
You have shared nice information with us. Your information will be helpful to the people who are on diet or moving to the diet. The calorie calculation that is described in your post is too interesting through which I came to understand that how much calories should be taken.

When you eat a PRO/Fat meal, which is no (or ver little) carbs, this is NOT going to create an insulin spike. So, would you even be benefiting? I mean, would the protein even get used without the insulin being present to deliver nutrients?
When the body has no carbs or alcohol for fuel it makes glucose from protein... fats are used for fuel but your brain needs carbs.
If it does that it stands to reason that it also can then utilize the extra aminos.
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When the body has no carbs or alcohol for fuel it makes glucose from protein... fats are used for fuel but your brain needs carbs.
If it does that it stands to reason that it also can then utilize the extra aminos.

How does it do this? Probably an INSULIN realese? I am diabetic, so I DONT MAKE insulin, only can inject it...So, without carbs it seems like I wouldnt get the nutrients where they need to be since I WONT have insulin there?
personally I dont respond well to a low carb diet. Without adequate carbs my workouts suffer big time. I dont see how these guys function on these low carb diets.
Very good read... Thank you for Sharing :)

One question though... If you are a female body builder trying to increase your muscle mass. Would we consume the same amount of Protein (40g-60g) all in one sitting. Or do we need to spread it out more evenly so we are only consuming 25g-30g at a time. I have been told to only consume 24g at a time BC I am a female but that I could do it every 2 hours. (from Lean proteins and or whey protein shakes)
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How would you guys recommend the macro nutrients be split up? 40/40/20? 40/35/25? Trying to determine what everything should be at for my upcoming bulk.
I don't think you are suggesting enough carbs at all in this sample. For a bulking 220lb guy? Just my opinion.

Also, i'm not so sure about waxy maize. I'vr heard its low GI and not ideal PWO. Will have to ask 3j.