Don't Call It A Comeback

Moresize... i didn't have a specific diet nore do i now i just eat a lot of everything, alot of high protein and a lot of junk food.... i let genetics do the rest, one day it will catch up to me, but not today


are you still natty?
@venom x

thought of giving your approach a try as it might help with my gymnastics as well. Just a few questions if you don't mind:

How many warm up's do you take befor hitting the work set?
I assume that 8-4-2 is all taken to failure on each rep level like dc advocates? am I right?
Do you think this might work only performed twice per week as well in terms of mass and strength?
How are your arms coming along without the direct work?

Greetz and thanks
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for warm ups i use the rubber bands to warm up my shoulders and do 2-3 quick warm up sets starting with real low weight and build up doing about 10 with light weight then about 4-5 with heavier wieght to get my muscles used to the weight. i usually only do this with chest and legs, but sometimes with others depending on what body part i start with.

yes they are to failure

depends on how fast you recover really, but if your working total body like i do, then yes twice a week should be acceptable. Basically just listen to your body and if says more give it more and if it says less give it less.

Arms are coming along fine, they are growing slower than last time which is what i wanted. I can bring them out when i am ready though, they respond the fastest out of anything on my body along with shoulders.
Its only the guys who can fight throught the combacks that make it in bodybuilding. I have been throught your situation many times and its very hard emotionally, but oh well. Dont cry too much.

Like ronnie says, "nothin to it but to do it". Just eat your food, and lift your weights, no excuses.
Thanks Golden that is very encouraging! I believe ronnie also said everybody wants to be big they just don't want to lift no heavy ass weights.... or something like that lol.
VenomX said:
Thanks Golden that is very encouraging! I believe ronnie also said everybody wants to be big they just don't want to lift no heavy ass weights.... or something like that lol.

Yup. He is the only bodybuilder that really makes me laugh. He is the best.

BTW, your looking really good man, and I dont say that about many people on here.

Again, I have been in your situation many times. Once i went about 8 months in the gym wearing a sweatshirt because I didnt want people to see how small I got because of a shoulder injury. I even wore my jacket to the bar one night when my friends dragged my ass there. Hahahha, life really blows at times like that, but without those times, you will never have the best time of your life no matter what. You have great genetics for bodybuilding just like me, hahaha, I sound full of myself but im serious. Dont give up. Your already too good to give up and you know it.
calipers are accurate within something like 3 % . I'm doing them at my work now. Its the next best thing to do the hydro testing.
Thanks Golden you are extremely motivating, I too would only wear loose shirts to the gym for the first 4 weeks of coming back. Now im "almost" to the point of feeling comfortable wearing my tank tops at the gym. I've also started wearing my tight shirts out to the clubs with pride again. It's true what you said, without disappointment we can not appreciate victory! I agree with my genetics it would be a crime for me not to realize my full potential in the bodybuilding arena. It gets old having people acusing me of taking steroids just because they don't get my results. But that just means im doing something right! If they weren't acusing then i would be worried lol. I'm going to stay with this natural thing and see how far the rabbit hole goes, i feel as long as im smart with diet and routine i won't need drugs to be competitive. I honestly don't see myself as big as other people see i guess, in my eyes im still small and need a lot of improvment. Distorted body image? maybe, but i can't settle for mediocrity.

RAGE - i guess that puts me between 5.5 -9% lol as long as its single digits i don't care, i can drop bf like nobodies business when the time comes :)

Niclipse - yeah yeah but we suck at basketball so it all evens out
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VenomX said:
.......sports wise competitively i am a college cheerleader and we are getting ready for national competition. A typical routine contains 3 1/2 minutes of nonstop tumbling, throwing girls around holding one OR two girls above my head and interesting ways of throwing them up there lol

Ok, so.......5'9", ripped to fuck, and hangs out with college cheerleaders after practicing throwing them around in all kinds of funky positions every what you're saying is that you're having problems getting skin..........NOT!!!!!!

I hate you.........haha, j/k
durabol said:
Ok, so.......5'9", ripped to fuck, and hangs out with college cheerleaders after practicing throwing them around in all kinds of funky positions every what you're saying is that you're having problems getting skin..........NOT!!!!!!

I hate you.........haha, j/k

It's hard being me :doggy: but somebodies got to do it. But seriously though, i do have problems not getting skin :kiss: It gets old hanging around these petite muscular girls all the time with raging sex drives, some times i just feel like a piece of meat....

no..... no.... wait.... no i don't and on second thought it never really gets old either ;)
Superb physique.
The obvious weak point that sticks out is lat width.
I would definately add wide overhand chins and calves could also improve but overall a great look.
In ang. It's great
In polish. Zajebista sylwetka,zycze dalszych sukcesow na silce.Idziesz w dobrym kierunku.Pozdrawiam