Don't hate the player, hate the game!


New member
So I've been working out for awhile with my cousin, he basically trains me. He's big, lean and very healthy. I've been working out for over 3-4 years on and off but more seriously this year with the help of my cousin. I feel solid and much stronger. BUT here's where I need help, my cousin is telling me to take 250mg's of test e with him for 10 weeks. I trust him but I have very thin hair and am very scared of hair loss or thinning. I did research and found that test e is bad for your hair, especially if you're worried about hair loss. My cousin tells me that the dosage is too small for hair loss or any serious side effects. Is this true?
depends on you and your genes, does it run in the family naturally more testosterone means your hair is goin to thin out a bit. To some the effect is very mild though, you could be an unfortunate person, mine is thin due to AAS use but i use compounds at very high doses and numerous cycles, But im a big mother fucker too so i really could care less. Weigh out your options. Im married so im not to worried about it, ill shave it if its ever too noticable.
well taking into consideration that your diet and training are in order, 250mg/week is too small of a dose.
I mean think about it if the dose is too small for sides, it is also most likely too small to make muscle gains with.
500mg per week is a better dose for a first cycle, and if you are worried about your hair their are some good products out there that will help you with it. I use Nizoral shampoo, and I'v had no issues.