Don't let estradiol levels get too low...courtesy of increasemyT and Todd Thomas


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Todd Thomas, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Guru
Vote by Anonymous.
This is a great question, a study that came out last week in the New England Journal of Medicine about how low estrogen in men can cause many of the same symptoms testosterone deficency would cause.

Estradiol is partially responsible for brain function, libido, bone mineral density, body fat metabolization and more. Many physicians overlook the importance of this hormone in men and rarely even test for it.

The amount of testosterone required to maintain lean mass, fat mass, strength, and sexual function varied widely in men. Androgen deficiency accounted for decreases in lean mass, muscle size, and strength; estrogen deficiency primarily accounted for increases in body fat; and both contributed to the decline in sexual function. Our findings support changes in the approach to evaluation and management of hypogonadism in men. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others; Home - number,NCT00114114.)
OTHER than bloodwork, is lack of morning erections the best way to judge if levels have gotten too low?
I have all of the above symptoms, including fatigue.
Is there a relatively easy way to increase estrogen without exogenous test?
Foods, supplements?

Get labs done to see what your estradiol is at. Unfortunately, a lot of the low E2 symptoms are the same when you have high E2.

Are you on TRT?
I`m not on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), nor have i ever cycled.
Been feeling like shit for most of my adult life, so I have been researching testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for a few months now.

Will try to get labs, but its not easy and very expensive here in Norway.
I`m not on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), nor have i ever cycled.
Been feeling like shit for most of my adult life, so I have been researching testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for a few months now.

Will try to get labs, but its not easy and very expensive here in Norway.

First step is getting labs. Otherwise you are guessing.


Total testosterone
Metabolic Panel
Thyroid Panel
Vitamin D
Estradiol (sensitive)

Good luck. And please don't start trying to boost you estradiol without knowing where it is at first. That's dangerous. It is more likely that you have Low T with the symptoms you described. You might want to start a new thread if you want to discuss your issues in more detail.
First step is getting labs. Otherwise you are guessing.


Total testosterone
Metabolic Panel
Thyroid Panel
Vitamin D
Estradiol (sensitive)

Good luck. And please don't start trying to boost you estradiol without knowing where it is at first. That's dangerous. It is more likely that you have Low T with the symptoms you described. You might want to start a new thread if you want to discuss your issues in more detail.

Thanks, i will try to get it checked out!
I have all of the above symptoms, including fatigue.
Is there a relatively easy way to increase estrogen without exogenous test?
Foods, supplements?

In your case these are probably low because you are not making enough testosterone to convert to estrogen. So most likely you will need testosterone.

You always have the option of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mono-therapy, some guys do well with it. Especially the younger ones.
Well that is one of them, another would be achey joints, headaches and low water retention.

I had this. I was running 0.25 mg ADEX EOD and had Low T.
In your opinion does taking ADEX (low dose) 0.25 mg EOD artificially raise LH, FSH levels in a hypogonadal male?
While on this I noticed my LH at 4 IU/L & FSH 2 IU/L but T was always low (265-291 ng/dl range)
I had this. I was running 0.25 mg ADEX EOD and had Low T.
In your opinion does taking ADEX (low dose) 0.25 mg EOD artificially raise LH, FSH levels in a hypogonadal male?
While on this I noticed my LH at 4 IU/L & FSH 2 IU/L but T was always low (265-291 ng/dl range)

it should technically raise FSH,LH > T, but it seems to work better in the obese hypogonadal male, or those with tertiary hypo.

You need E though to produce healthy amounts of FSH,LH. E primes the pituitary for GNRH reception. This is why Clomid works so well, because it acts like E there.

New studies are saying though that clomid may it not the best route. That it was given to men with oligospermia which means low levels of sperm, and when they came off clomid they had azoospermia which means untraceable amounts. It essentially burnt out their pituitary from properly receiving GNRH.

I am assuming this was caused by this estrogen priming, which is used in other forms to overstimulate the pituitary.

Three patients were sent to our clinic for investigation of their azoospermia after use of CC. They had severe oligozoospermia (sperm concentrations of 3.4, 2.8, and 4.1 × 106/mL, respectively) before treatment with CC. These patients were re-evaluated with two new semen analyses, showing azoospermia. After 3 months without use of the drug, the mean sperm concentration was 2.5 ± 1.1 × 106/mL.

The benefits of empiric treatment with CC must be balanced with the possible undesirable effects, such as azoospermia.

My testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor was very happy with my last blood test - T just over 1000 and E at 20. I've seen 50 listed as a good T/E ratio - BUT - my elbows and shoulders hurt and I think I have just a little more fat around the waist (the only place I really have any) than I did earlier. This is on 80mg 2/week and .5mg adex 2/week.

I don't think the last E test was the sensitive version. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor also has me taking 50mg progesterone ED, still not really clear on how this affects things.

How likely is it that my achy joints are due to E being too low as opposed to just age? I can't easily divide my .5mg capsules and I'm pretty sure .5mg 1/week will be too little (started with that and E was over 60).

Anyone know if the rui adex is precisely dosed enough to experiment with a lower dose?
My testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor was very happy with my last blood test - T just over 1000 and E at 20. I've seen 50 listed as a good T/E ratio - BUT - my elbows and shoulders hurt and I think I have just a little more fat around the waist (the only place I really have any) than I did earlier. This is on 80mg 2/week and .5mg adex 2/week.

I don't think the last E test was the sensitive version. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor also has me taking 50mg progesterone ED, still not really clear on how this affects things.

How likely is it that my achy joints are due to E being too low as opposed to just age? I can't easily divide my .5mg capsules and I'm pretty sure .5mg 1/week will be too little (started with that and E was over 60).

Anyone know if the rui adex is precisely dosed enough to experiment with a lower dose?

Getting an E2 of 20 on the regular assay is on the low side of things. And achy joints are a DEFINITE sign of that -- especially if you normally don't have achy joints. When my E2 gets too low I start getting aches in joints that have never ached before in my life.

Just get a cheap pill splitter at the pharmacy or Target. That adex pill is not the easiest to divide into .25mg but it can certainly be done - I do it. I would try going to .50mg/week or .75mg/week. For comparisons I am taking 100mg of test 2/week and I take .25mg of adex 2/week. That works for me. Sounds like I carry more bodyfat than you too.

You don't need to mess with RUI's adex. You have a prescription.

If you really can't split your pills for some reason, you can pulverize them for easier dosing.
Getting an E2 of 20 on the regular assay is on the low side of things. And achy joints are a DEFINITE sign of that -- especially if you normally don't have achy joints. When my E2 gets too low I start getting aches in joints that have never ached before in my life.

Just get a cheap pill splitter at the pharmacy or Target. That adex pill is not the easiest to divide into .25mg but it can certainly be done - I do it. I would try going to .50mg/week or .75mg/week. For comparisons I am taking 100mg of test 2/week and I take .25mg of adex 2/week. That works for me. Sounds like I carry more bodyfat than you too.

You don't need to mess with RUI's adex. You have a prescription.

If you really can't split your pills for some reason, you can pulverize them for easier dosing.

Thanks mega, my adex comes in .5mg capsules (compounding pharmacy) so I can't easily split them. I think I'll call the doc tomorrow and see if I can get an extra prescription for .25mg caps.
Thanks mega, my adex comes in .5mg capsules (compounding pharmacy) so I can't easily split them. I think I'll call the doc tomorrow and see if I can get an extra prescription for .25mg caps.

That would be great!

I just get arimidex which as far as I can tell is only available in 1mg tablets.