

New member
Does anyone know if a trained dopedog can smell out Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that is contained in original amps (glas)??

Im thinking about airport control...
And no im not stuffing it in my suitcase.

Anyone got a word?
They shouldn't be able to smell anytning sealed in a amp and as far as I know they are not trained specifically for AAS.
Wooow that was a fast answer and a good one to THX everyone :D

Planing on taking some juice back from my vacaition hopefully i´l pull it off.

How big are chances that i´l gett stuck in custom? opinion anyone?
Narc dogs are trained for class 1 and 2 substances...they cannot smell anything through a sealed glass amp...even if they were trained to find AAS. Finding coke, pot, speed, and so on is easy for dogs...they are only looking for one compound...coca paste, thc, and so on with juice the dog would not not make it past his on balls if he were hunting for test....:D
how would u go about storing your gear if you have to fly for now im staying away from home...but i will be going back home soon..just curious to know what you guys think would be the best way to "hide" the shit..not going over seas or anything..thanks
I was planing on strapping the shit on my lower leg with som elastics should be space for aprox 100 amps i think :cool:
The glass the amps are sealed in shouldn't alert the dogs. There was some discussion on another board a while back about the dogs being able to pick up the scent of tablets from the binders and fillers used. I don't know how much that is true, but the idea was being thrown around. The amps will be good though as far as the dogs are concerned.
Welcome, and no way can they smell it. But if he pays a little too much attention to a bag that gives the agents the right to search it.
if you are gonna bring back stuff from an underground lab, or even from a source at the gym, make sure they dont handle other things --other drugs -- becuase even the slightest smell is gonna give it off...i know dogs aren't trained to smell Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (a memeber on FG, i just can't find the thread confirmed this) ...

if sealed things can't be detected by dogs, why not just place a "key" of some pure white in a glass container and shipper it off?

iamcdn said:
if you are gonna bring back stuff from an underground lab, or even from a source at the gym, make sure they dont handle other things --other drugs -- becuase even the slightest smell is gonna give it off...i know dogs aren't trained to smell Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (a memeber on FG, i just can't find the thread confirmed this) ...

if sealed things can't be detected by dogs, why not just place a "key" of some pure white in a glass container and shipper it off?


because my coke loving friend...dogs can pick up the scent of the drug residue even you did not handle dope...people get picked up all the time for having bills with coke residue on them...and these are not bills that were rolled up to enjoy the fruits of columbia's labor...these are bills that people in the coke business have touched at some point and now the bills are back in our wallets...I will look for the figure, but the good ole' US of A governement researched this very topic a few years back and came back with some ludicris number in the 60% range of our money that has coke residue on it...

Think about next time you go to the airport and you see the screeners swabbing anything your hands touch...those little machines are the devils tool...:chimney:
The Coke residue is from banks. Every piece of paper money all circulates through banks where it gets counted/handled in a money counting machine (ala Scarface). The machine gets the Coke residue on it from one bill with Coke on it and then the machine contaminates all of the other bills. There was a snippet that I saw on 60 minutes or NBC dateline a couple/few years ago about this very topic.
Dogs could be trained to sniff out AAS. They are definitely not however. I am 1000% certain of this. As was stated above though, they can hit on a scent of drugs that they are trained to sniff from like 3 months ago, so don't blaze up while your tapin' em.

Still though bro, with the way airline security is today, I would never risk taking that many amps. I am suggesting you not as well. How long is your Vaca? Why not just take like 1 amp for every week you will be there? Make sure it is Test Enanthate or Cyp, so you can get away with it. That way you can take WAY less amps, not have to worry about getting pinched before you even get to enjoy yourself, and still have a nice maintenance dose for yourself. No?
A few things.

Dogs are trained to sniff for drugs and this is how it works. It's basic Chemistry.

Molecules of Coke, Marijuana, etc. will be in or around the person or their bags (bags meaning when travelling/flying). If a molecule of these drugs hits the dog's nose, then the dog will know it immediately.

If you carry liquid AS that are sealed in a vial and the vial insn't leaking (meaning it is 100% sealed) and then if the outside of the vial is thoroughly sterilized, a dog would have no scent to catch. Moleclues of liquid AS are not going to travel outside of their medium (i.e. molecules aren't just going to leave the liquid for no 'physical' reason - they will be wherever the liquid is. Also a simliar Chemistry takes place with AS in pill form. If you have the pills vacuum sealed in a bag and then you sterilze the outside of the bag all before you pack, even an AS drug sniffing dog would almost certainly not catch the scent. Again there are no molecules of the AS pills floating around for the dog to catch. If the bags were not however vacuum selaed and the seal on the bag/bottle was not 100% airtight, then there would be a much greater likelihood of an AS trained drug sniffing dog to catch the scent.

An AS trained drug sniffing dog is possible, but it's likely the dog would not catch 9 out 10 bags that have AS in them. He'd have no scent.

Now with Coke or Marijuana (which are both highly sensitive to temperature/humidity changes) and because of their form, you will get residue and molecules of them EVERYWHERE! That's why dogs get the scent it of them so easily and why it's so hard to conceal them.
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What's next? A cokeology board...a how to guide for the smuggling challenged...HA!!!

If you are going out of country just buy the needed gear at the stops were it is legal...nevermind, I see you are trying to bring it back not use while on vacation. Damn this thread took a nasty turn...but a fun turn.:chimney: :dj: