Dose of HGH for fat loss?


New member
What dose would you recommend for fat loss? 2.5iu or 4.0iu daily? I have gotten good results on 2.5iu in the past, but I was using Serostim (US pharmaceutical). Now using Ansomone
Not knowing much on HGH, but I;ve read a few forums on here to know that HGH isn't really that great for fat loss? As to your question I would just say go with the same dose that you've used in the past. If your not seeing results during the time when you saw results of your last cycle. Then just up the dose. Take pictures every 2-3 weeks to keep progress of yourself, then you should be g2g.
Not knowing much on HGH, but I;ve read a few forums on here to know that HGH isn't really that great for fat loss? As to your question I would just say go with the same dose that you've used in the past. If your not seeing results during the time when you saw results of your last cycle. Then just up the dose. Take pictures every 2-3 weeks to keep progress of yourself, then you should be g2g.
where the hell did you hear that HGH isn't that great for fat loss? if you're dieting good GH will melt fat right off you, and if you're bulking it'll keep you lean (if you already are lean). how do you think all those 300lb IFBB pro's stay with abs all year round? with a super duper clean diet? lolss

i just ordered some GH the other day with dozens of people posting up great blood reults, and guys are claiming the fat is melting right off them while eating at maintenance running only 6iu. i got 3 kits on the way which will last me 12 weeks @ 5iu. i gotta see what the fuss is about
You could go the cheaper route, and instead of using HGH use a combo of Ipamorelin and Mod GRF 1-29 (Otherwise known as CJC-1295 W/O DAC). Like HGH it's a slow process, but you will notice composition changes for sure. I know I have.
Honestly everything I read about HGH is the sides are as bad as tren almost. Numbness in hand and feet, letharegy. It seems more bitch about it then rave about it.
HGH hyped up. Refridgeration, pinning ED, worrying if you got fake stuff or weak stuff, THE PRICE!! I went for 6 months using 4-5 iu then after 6 months I was not happy so I doubled down and went another 6 months and went as high as 8-10 iu. Then my buddy takes clen and T3 for 8 weeks and he is ripped. And he was eating like crap if you ask me, If he ate better he could have done even better.
Honestly everything I read about HGH is the sides are as bad as tren almost. Numbness in hand and feet, letharegy. It seems more bitch about it then rave about it.

Numbness is carpal tunnel I think. Tarsal Tunnel in feet? It goes away when administration stops. Boohoo, small price to pay.

Many will take HGH before bed anyhow, I doubt it will cause extreme lethargy throughout the day if dosed primarily before bed.
One of the reasons I like HGH is that it has made me a lot leaner in the past, regardless of diet. But also makes me feel better in general. My skin and hair look good, and my joints don't ache. Maybe it all placebo affect and all in my head, but if that is the case, then its worth it for me.

I did have the swollen achy hands, but I just cut back on the dose and it went away. I think Im going to start at 4.0 iu and take it from there.

BTW, any info or comments on the new PSL HGH?
Numbness is carpal tunnel I think. Tarsal Tunnel in feet? It goes away when administration stops. Boohoo, small price to pay.

Many will take HGH before bed anyhow, I doubt it will cause extreme lethargy throughout the day if dosed primarily before bed.

Actually its not a small price to pay. Shit is expensive as fuck. Like said before you need to pinn ED for 6 months plus to gain real benefit. 3K worth of HGH alone for a littel bit of benefit isn't worth it for me when Tren and Test will do the same thing. Sounds like people want a short cut, an expensive one at that.
optimal dosage for gh is twice daily..

carpal tunnel happens with higher dosages.. i dont see it happening with 2 to 4iu...

if youre getting lethargic its because your blood sugar is dropping.. eating something right before your injection will help alot
GH is great for fat loss because it directly stimulates lipolysis. Over time, it also shifts your body to preferential fat metabolism.

The trick to getting lean with GH is making sure you are active while the GH is causing lipolysis. I.e., pin GH then 20-30 minutes later, go do some fasted cardio to burn off all the fat the GH has released from your fat cells. If you're not active to burn off the fat or you have competing energy substrate in your blood (i.e. you've eaten) then it won't help nearly as much for fat loss. Note this sort of fat loss benefit starts right with your first pin of GH, this isn't one of those ' you have to use it for 6 months to see results ' things.

Also, note that this lipolysis is maximized at around 1iu which means pinning more GH does not mean more lipolysis. So an optimal protocol would involve pins of 1iu of GH every 3-4 hours coupled with fasting and activity. The problem is, these protocols are hard to fit around a normal lifestyle.

Peptides can do the same thing, but for good quality peptides the cost creeps up closely to what you'd be spending on reputable UGL GH anyway.
Actually its not a small price to pay. Shit is expensive as fuck. Like said before you need to pinn ED for 6 months plus to gain real benefit. 3K worth of HGH alone for a littel bit of benefit isn't worth it for me when Tren and Test will do the same thing. Sounds like people want a short cut, an expensive one at that.

Pin 6 ius of saizen a day for 1 week and tell me again that HGH isn't worth it.

If you've got the real deal, it's night and day.

HGH isn't a shortcut either. It multiplies cells, where AAS just expands them. Ideally you would use both and get all sorts of freaky.

Not being able to afford it though isn't bad.. it's just means top tier BB won't be an option.
I have a bunch of EP HGH landing, I am going to start taking 2 IU a day (that is what was recommended to me) for health and healing. I will let you all know how it goes.
I have a bunch of EP HGH landing, I am going to start taking 2 IU a day (that is what was recommended to me) for health and healing. I will let you all know how it goes.

You won't be disappointed, I've been using it for about two weeks now to good effect. 4-6iu a day depending on the day. I would recommend you split your dose 1 iu in the morning and 1 iu PWO though. Depending on your age and natural GH production, 2iu can see some pretty significant improvements.
46, no idea about natural GH production, but on TRT so if the two are related medically it is probably pretty low naturally.

I already made the 2IU set I will make 1IU pins and do it 2 times a day. I have about 1.5 weeks worth made up.
I've heard some crazy stuff about Pharmaceutical GH.

Pin 10 ius before bed, wake up leaner, harder, and more vascular lol

Want to do a year so bad. 2017 will be the year :D
Yeah, you're at a prime age for GH replacement. You should notice good quality of life improvements in the coming weeks. Better sleep, general sense of well being, better hair, nails, and skin.

The difference between 1 iu 2 x a day and 2iu 1 x a day won't be huge, but I think twice a day (or as many times a day as possible) is the best method.

Keep us updated with how you're doing!
i got some growth on the way, plan on running it at 5iu a day. i wonder what will happen to my body lol i have no idea but i'm excited. if only you fuckers could see the shit eating grin i have on my face right now!!
I had the Pfizer mini quick pens before, no sides at all except being in the best shape of my life. Loved it, better than anything I've ever done.

I was on a bit of T and OX too :)
GH is great for fat loss because it directly stimulates lipolysis. Over time, it also shifts your body to preferential fat metabolism.

The trick to getting lean with GH is making sure you are active while the GH is causing lipolysis. I.e., pin GH then 20-30 minutes later, go do some fasted cardio to burn off all the fat the GH has released from your fat cells. If you're not active to burn off the fat or you have competing energy substrate in your blood (i.e. you've eaten) then it won't help nearly as much for fat loss. Note this sort of fat loss benefit starts right with your first pin of GH, this isn't one of those ' you have to use it for 6 months to see results ' things.

Also, note that this lipolysis is maximized at around 1iu which means pinning more GH does not mean more lipolysis. So an optimal protocol would involve pins of 1iu of GH every 3-4 hours coupled with fasting and activity. The problem is, these protocols are hard to fit around a normal lifestyle.

Peptides can do the same thing, but for good quality peptides the cost creeps up closely to what you'd be spending on reputable UGL GH anyway.

I saw this quote and followed its instructions (1iu daily half an hour before work out fasted). I had amazing results with fat loss! Went down a waist size and still dropping! I was on a ketogenic diet for years before and fast regularly, however once I introduced the 1iu generic HGH daily I saw amazing fat loss (whilst remaining on the keto diet and still fasting regularly). It's been roughly 3 months on generic HGH.

The reason i'm posting is because I happened to post about it in on different forum and a very experienced member disputed the above information. I am not knowledgeable at all on the subject, I just know anecdotally it worked fantastic for me, and believe debate is what helps improve collective knowledge. What are everyone's thoughts on this user disputing 1iu daily generic HGH being so effective for my fat loss:

i can say now with 100% certainty that 1iu of GH did not drop your waist from 38-36 any dose of GH will cause fat oxidation but not that quick and certainly not that dramatic, why did you take it fasted? and was there a reason you took it 30min before your workout?

it is more likely that the fat loss is more down to the fasting and ketogenic diet than the GH

1 - it is very outdated and was written at a time when people thought all you had to do was inject GH and hey presto Fatty Free Acids (FFA) were released into the blood to be used as energy, this is certainly not the case because FFA's do not get released for 20-30min then take 4hrs to peak, plus if you do not exercise then they are not wasted as natural energy use called NEAT (look it up) will use them.

2 - there is no one number to claim is the top end of lipolysis for any one person there is obviously a limit otherwise we could all just jab a huge amount and lose huge amounts of fat, and we cannot. plus GH adds to many more functions in the body indirectly to assist with both muscle building and fat loss, increasing MPS by lowering MPB is just one.

before you start googling and then pasting random bits of text to prove your point then you best first understand the order of events when you use energy substrates, plus at least open your mind to what GH actually does in the body.

I have used GH for the last 25yrs believe me when I say most of the stuff written on the net is incorrect or makes it sound like a muscle building, fat burning machine one thing I know is that GH is not responsible for the reduction in your waist or the fat loss you claim in the time period you claim it, I am not saying it would not have helped but please do not insult us on the forum by saying this generic GH is amazing.