Dosing MK-677...Caps or Liquid?


New member
After doing some research, I'm hearing that dosing Mk-677 using caps is better than liquid? Most people can't handle the taste when it comes to liquid, so are caps really better? I've also noticed that there are less suppliers when it comes to caps, and how many are really legit?
I would stay away from caps and tablets. SARMs are illegal for human consumption and tablets / capsules imply human consumption very strongly. SARMs are 100% legal to buy and sell for research purposes only so it is sold as a research liquid. It is possible that the tables you find are legit - but they are illegal to buy and sell and you risk law enforcement giving you a visit. The seller risks massive jail time and a loss of their company if their tablets / capsules actually contain the SARMs they claim they have (and they still could get jail time for selling counterfeit SARMs, much like selling fake cocaine). If you are going to risk jail time anyway, you might as well go HGH and get more bang for the buck.

So in short, I would stay away from all non-liquid SARMs. You have no idea what is in them and if they ARE SARMs, they are illegal to both buy and sell in that form. Stick to liquids like the sponsors here, such as SarmsSearch, sell.
Much appreciated for the reply brother! Would love to look into Humatrope, but thats pretty expensive.
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Cant go wrong with rui mk677 stacked with their cjc w/dac, Im getting gh like results with just approx 2 pins/week and at about 1/4 the cost!!
Blood work showed excellent elevations in gh and igf.