Double muscles for life with just one injection of follistatin gene


Community Veteran
Credit for this post goes to a guy that goes by 718si who posts on another board. It looks like he copied it from somewhere else also but want to be clear that i did not write this up. I do hate to copy and paste anything but this was interesting enough that I just had to this once!

You can nag your dealer until he pins you on to the fender of his SUV, but you still won't get any. We're talking about the anabolic wonder stuff that researchers at Ohio State University are doing experiments with. A single injection will change you for the rest of your life into a hulk of the kind that Markus Ruehl [see photo below] would say: that much muscle just isn't aesthetic


The super steroid in question is not a hormone. It's a common-cold virus that the researchers have made some adjustments to. Viruses invade cells and release their genes into them. Then the cell obeys the virus genes instructions, and makes the proteins according to the genes blueprint. The proteins formed are the building blocks for new viruses.

The researchers managed to get their viruses to programme the muscle cells to make proteins that deactivated the myostatin protein. Myostatin is a protein that muscle cells make to prevent fitness centre owners from having to change jobs and become SUV salesmen.

Not that the researchers had something against fitness centre owners. They are looking for a cure for muscular dystrophy. In their study, which was published in the prestigious PNAS, they tested three myostatin inhibiting genes: the gene for growth and differentiation factor-associated serum protein-1 (GASP-1), follistatin-related gene (FLRG) and the gene for follistatin-344 (FS).

There are various kinds of follistatin and they all have different functions. As far as we know, only follistatin-344 is active in muscle tissue.

The mice in the experiment were given an injection when they were four weeks old. The photos below show their musculature two years later. AAV1 stands for the adenovirus that the researchers used. AAV1-GFP was the control group.


The injection with the gene for follistatin-344 was the most effective. This becomes clearer if you look at the figure below, which shows the weight of the mice two years after the injection.


But most beautiful of all is the graph below. This shows how the mice***s power developed over their lifespan. The mice in the control group the green curve get weaker towards the end of their life. But the mice that were injected with AAV1-FS the red curve just keep on getting stronger.


The researchers obtained the same success when they injected the viruses into mice that had congenital muscle disease. "The striking ability of FS to provide gross and functional long-term improvement to dystrophic muscles in aged animals warrants its consideration for clinical development to treat musculoskeletal diseases, including older DMD patients", they write.

Only a few years, and muscular diseases will be a thing of the past. And all fitness centres will go bust.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Mar 18;105(11):4318-22.
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Yes it does seem amazing!! I have my doubts that any of us can actually obtain real folli though! every batch that I've seen tested thus far has come up as 100% fake.

So assuming one could get real folli it does seem very promising!
My skinny little Calvin Klein underware model ass got more pussy in one year then that poor fuck will get in a lifetime looking like that.
My skinny little Calvin Klein underware model ass got more pussy in one year then that poor fuck will get in a lifetime looking like that.

Lol. Ya that's just redic. How does he wipe his ass?

I post what could be the most amazing substance ever to come into bodybuilding and you two focus in on Marcus's pic ;) he doesn't have real folli either btw, he is just massive lol
Really cool post, Zeek. Myostatin inhibitors are very interesting!

I have the original study (published in PNAS) this is based on for anyone who is interested, but I can't upload the file here because it is too big!
I do agree with you Mike, the mass monster look went out in 1988. It's all about ripped these days.

Being a mass monster isn't healthy either and health is something we should all care about. I still won't hate on the man, he has built a body that I could never build even if i wanted to so props to him for that!

I can always starve myself into some decent abs but that type of muscle mass is not obtainable but to a select few!

I see crack heads all the time on the side of the road with will work for food signs, many of them have 8 packs but they weigh 150 lbs
There is info out there confirming this study, more recent stuff.

At the end of the day we can't get this stuff! When it comes to folli I am from the show me state!! prove it to me that any company that sells this stuff to bodybuilders can get the real deal!! otherwise I call bullshit
I do agree with you Mike, the mass monster look went out in 1988. It's all about ripped these days.

Being a mass monster isn't healthy either and health is something we should all care about. I still won't hate on the man, he has built a body that I could never build even if i wanted to so props to him for that!

I can always starve myself into some decent abs but that type of muscle mass is not obtainable but to a select few!

I see crack heads all the time on the side of the road with will work for food signs, many of them have 8 packs but they weigh 150 lbs

The interpretation of my hate for him is inaccurate.

I actually feel bad for the guy.
The interpretation of my hate for him is inaccurate.

I actually feel bad for the guy.

tell you what my friend, if I could be huge like that for 8 hours of the day I would be in a flash!!! no questions asked!! the other 16 hours of the day I wouldn't be happy like that!

As you pointed out I doubt he gets much action looking like that and i do love women!
I do agree with you Mike, the mass monster look went out in 1988. It's all about ripped these days.

Being a mass monster isn't healthy either and health is something we should all care about. I still won't hate on the man, he has built a body that I could never build even if i wanted to so props to him for that!

I can always starve myself into some decent abs but that type of muscle mass is not obtainable but to a select few!

I see crack heads all the time on the side of the road with will work for food signs, many of them have 8 packs but they weigh 150 lbs

LMAO one of the things I hate the most in the gym is when these 135lb teenagers walk around looking cocky and lift they're shirts up to show their abs in the mirror. I just want to bitch slap ppl who do that.
LMAO one of the things I hate the most in the gym is when these 135lb teenagers walk around looking cocky and lift they're shirts up to show their abs in the mirror. I just want to bitch slap ppl who do that.

right? skinny kids with abs is like fat girls with big tits, it just doesnt count.
Follistatin wouldn't affect the heart as myostatin does not regulate cardiac hypertrophy or hyperplasia.