Down, but not out


Tren Freak
Well guys, sometimes things don't go as planned. I was near the end of a 20 week cycle of tren/test/eq. 16 of 20. I was doing some benches. I had 225 on the bar. This is heavy weight for me but not nearly my max. I decided to use a closer grip to utilize my triceps a little more. I had a spotter. This guy has seen me bench this many times no problem so he stood to the side of me.
About 3/4 up I started to feel the intense burning pain in my shoulder. My spotter was like, "cmon man" and i was like, "grab the fucking bar!"
Before he could grab the bar a loud ripping and cracking noise came out of my shoulder. The bar dropped to my chest and my right arm, still gripping the bar was at a terrible angle. A another guy came over and helped my spotter remove the bar.
It hurt like a mother fu...! Everyone in the gym heard my shoulder give out.
I went to ER and they took xrays and pumped me full of drugs.
I got an MRI and it showed I have a partial tear on the rotor cuff.
That was Nov. 23.
While I was sitting around the house dopped up on pain pills I started self examining myself.
I noticed this little flap of skin right above my belly button. I pushed it and it went in, then slowly came out again. Thats right! Hernia!
I went to a surgeon and he confirmed it was a hernia. I got it operated on Jan 16th.
By the way, I stayed on my cycle until Jan 1st(full 20 week cycle), 4 weeks after injuring my shoulder. I did not go to gym the entire time.

I went to back to the gym for the first time on Feb3. I start physical therapy for my shoulder in a couple of weeks. It hurts mostly at night when I roll over on it. I have restricted movement, but not that bad. Its a partial tear.
Its been 3 weeks since my hernia surgeory.
Well to make a long story short; I've lost 15 lbs. I can't do straight bar benches nor shoulder press along with many other movements. I have to go real light because of my hernia.
I'm not giving up. I'm already planning my comeback. I'm taking a blood test Feb 28th. If everthing goes OK, I'm going to start a new cycle. It will be 3 consecutive short cycles.

Looks like this:
1-2 Anadrol
2-4 Halo
1-4 Test prop
1-4 Tren ace

2weeks off -PCT

restart cycle

2 weeks off -PCT

restart cycle


HCG and Clomid for PCT

Training will include new movements for chest and shoulders. Probable dumbells and machines. More enphasis on ab training than before.

Strict diet!

Down, but not out! :rockband:
Hey bro it souds like everything hit you at the same time. Its great that you are going to get back into things, i would just hope that you play it real safe you dont want to screw anything up beyond repair with that shoulder.
good luck and hang in there
I hate when shit like this happens. I have the same problem, all my shit happens at once to me. Good luck getting back in the game, but that is an odd choice of cycling.
i can't comment much on your proposed cycle but i was thinking of my next being a test prop/tren combo..

But I'd probably start off real slow and get the natural growth in there before jumping on the sauce. Sucks that all that happens at once but i think when those things happen, it's time to reassess what you were doing. Bad form on deadlifts or squats? bad bench form? Not properly warming-up? Just trying to help out bro, i know you wanna pack that weight back on as soon as possible, but i don't want to hear about you heading back to the ER for another hernia surgery or shoulder problems. Come back strong and stay strong!
Damn man that sucks but you are looking at it the right way. Ive had to go through a pec repair and recently had to have my bicep reattached (I destroyed the entire tendon so they had to rebuild one). The bicep was done March 27th. It was 6 months before I could touch a weight and my weight went from a puffy but super strong 250 to just 200lbs. Im now the strongest I have been in years and a very lean 232. I actually did 225 on the incline at the end of my chest workout 16 times last week! I wouldnt be in such good shape if I hadnt had the injury. Youll always spring back at least as good as you were as long as you take your time. Good luck man.
Aczech said:
i can't comment much on your proposed cycle but i was thinking of my next being a test prop/tren combo..

But I'd probably start off real slow and get the natural growth in there before jumping on the sauce. Sucks that all that happens at once but i think when those things happen, it's time to reassess what you were doing. Bad form on deadlifts or squats? bad bench form? Not properly warming-up? Just trying to help out bro, i know you wanna pack that weight back on as soon as possible, but i don't want to hear about you heading back to the ER for another hernia surgery or shoulder problems. Come back strong and stay strong!

Thanks for the input. Your right. One of the reasons I'm gonna do short cycles is grow slowly
with quality muscle.
I have to be realistic about my expectations. I'm using the month of Feb to see my capabilities before I cycle along with a blood test.
Thanks again.
Thompson31580 said:
Damn man that sucks but you are looking at it the right way. Ive had to go through a pec repair and recently had to have my bicep reattached (I destroyed the entire tendon so they had to rebuild one). The bicep was done March 27th. It was 6 months before I could touch a weight and my weight went from a puffy but super strong 250 to just 200lbs. Im now the strongest I have been in years and a very lean 232. I actually did 225 on the incline at the end of my chest workout 16 times last week! I wouldnt be in such good shape if I hadnt had the injury. Youll always spring back at least as good as you were as long as you take your time. Good luck man.
Good deal! Thanks for the inspiration!
i use my cyclying strategy similar... 6 weeks on 2 weeks off.. it works, and i love it
skarhead1 said:
i use my cyclying strategy similar... 6 weeks on 2 weeks off.. it works, and i love it

Whats your cycle look like? Do you feel your HPTA benefits from this?
Whats your post cycle therapy (pct)? How long have you run this?
I run it forever.. my post cycle therapy (pct) is just nolva because i use test E. so i just let that cycle out then go back on again... but i do think it helps the siides. i prety musch cycle to fit my training cycles
wow just saw this. that sucks bro, wish you the best.

i run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for post cycle therapy (pct), i love it