Dr wants some blood work but my test levels are too high, please advise


I am banned!
Currently pinning
.5 ml sust350
1ml trenE200
1ml mast E200
.5ml deca250

All compounds injected every 2.5 days.

I would assume my tt is around 2500ng/dl
My Dr would freak out although she doesn't handle my trt ( I do, and I've told her to stay out of it) but I'd like her to think I've been reasonable with my trt. I'm going to stop the sustanon for the 3 weeks while most of it clears. I was thinking about replacing some of it with test prop for another 10 days or so then stop it as well. Under normal testing ( not lc-lcms ) would either the deca or tren show up in the TOTAL test number?
Nosy I guess.i went along cuz I'm curious where the other stuff is i care about. I went in today for my annual checkup j
That's annoying!

AFAIK the deca will show as test. Tren may too. Ive read tren will bump estrogen values.

With all those long esters, it's gonna take a while to clear up. Stall if you can, and if you really care what she thinks.

If it was me, and I HAD TO get tested, I'd drop it all. Level to trt. Get tested. Get back on the horse.

Consider it a short blast
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Test level s are gonna show on any normal blood panel. Cav ur doing right...I d definitely tank it...she IS a woman.
Anything they can they will use against you it s in their nature...shoulda never let em vote. I ll spare getting banned again with the other major f up that happened when someone woke up hung over and said I did what ????1863....
I know the testosterone will show up. I was more concerned with the deca and tren showing up as test. The total test levels should be trt levels in 3 weeks or so, but nandrolone decoanate will take longer to clear. So if it shows up as testosterone I'll have to explain that.
Like I said she knows I'm injecting test on my own, I just don't want huge tt to get her all worried about me
I kicked her off my trt train because she asked me once why I wanted to be tested for esrtiadol.
That and she wanted my total test levels no higher than 400 and I came in at 840 where I wanted them and she had a fit. She's pretty good about most things but doesn't know trt stuff for shit
From experience, and I have the labs to back me up (and I'm on endo monitored TRT), the Tren (with a basic TT lab) will show up as a false positive or increase E2 -- NOT TESTOSTERONE. That said, the other compounds I can't personally attest to and given what I've seen in the forum, I'll leave the physiology and metabolic pathway talk out of it (don't want someone coming in with the exception to the rule and causing drama). You should just let her know you'll be out of town for "x" number of weeks, run labs to check your TT and E2, then when you're blood work is where it needs to be, go see her. DO NOT RESTART RIGHT AWAY! If she wants additional labs, you'll be screwing your body up, wasting gear, and screwing your body up. It sounds like you might want a referral to see someone else, or just go see another doc. 400 doesn't make sense at all. There are a number of less than honest ways to beat labs, but if she's as awful as I'm assuming, the best bet is to find someone who understands hormone replacement (internal medicine doc, urologist, endo -- in that order from my experience when talking best TRT results). For future reference, run your own labs and when she asks for labs you'll already have a plethora to choose from that will meet the doc's expectations. Also good for your own records and health.
I like the above advice, however here's an option:

Remove the hormone panel from the equation. If she's not treating you for hypogonadism, she has ZERO business in pulling those labs. In fact, pulling those labs makes her responsible for the results! You DO have the power to refuse to allow your estradiol and/or testosterone checked if you don't want them checked. Period.

Think of this like going to an auto parts store for a new air filter, but the clerk says he needs to measure the brake pads on your vehicle before he will sell it to you. It's not why you went there, it's none of his business what the condition of your brakes are, and while some extremely passive folks might comply - YOU are in charge, not some uppity business. A doctor is no different; just selling a different good/service. ;)
I like the above advice, however here's an option:

Remove the hormone panel from the equation. If she's not treating you for hypogonadism, she has ZERO business in pulling those labs. In fact, pulling those labs makes her responsible for the results! You DO have the power to refuse to allow your estradiol and/or testosterone checked if you don't want them checked. Period.

Think of this like going to an auto parts store for a new air filter, but the clerk says he needs to measure the brake pads on your vehicle before he will sell it to you. It's not why you went there, it's none of his business what the condition of your brakes are, and while some extremely passive folks might comply - YOU are in charge, not some uppity business. A doctor is no different; just selling a different good/service. ;)

She didn't say anything about esrtiadol, that's what's humorous. She was the one that started me on test cyp5 years ago and didn't know exogenous test raises estrogen. I'll go along to appease her this time, mostly because I already told her it was okay. Next time I'll just tell her she doesn't want to know the results. I should be around 6-800 in 3 weeks or so, then I'll go get blood drawn
Mostly I was curious if I needed to drop the deca and tren as well because they might skew total test number upward
She didn't say anything about esrtiadol, that's what's humorous. She was the one that started me on test cyp5 years ago and didn't know exogenous test raises estrogen. I'll go along to appease her this time, mostly because I already told her it was okay. Next time I'll just tell her she doesn't want to know the results. I should be around 6-800 in 3 weeks or so, then I'll go get blood drawn
Your call brother, just remember that YOU are the boss - not her. ;)

Mostly I was curious if I needed to drop the deca and tren as well because they might skew total test number upward

Tren interferes with ECLIA estradiol, deca interferes with testosterone on the ECLIA panels. You can ask that you go to a Quest laboratory which does sensitive by default. :)
I think I heard that about tren affecting esrtiadol numbers the deca affecting test I didn't know....thanks Halfwit. If I knew half of what you did about AAS, I'd be dangerous
If you want to keep good relations with her/trust , I would stall for longer, no reason you have to come in when she says. Then happen and you might be busy, so reschedule for later.

As others and halfwit said, TREN/DECA will pop as E2/TESTOSTERONE on ECLIA assay. The problem is this the cheapest test and usually the default for doctor's offices/laboratories.

Consider nandrolone's long half-life when plan on letting the hormone clear from your blood.

I've confirmed that ECLIA has cross-reactivity with these hormones, it ain't no myth. You could also run your own private LC/MS test/E2 and give them to her for peace of mind. These will only show true test/E2 levels.
Stall till your levels go down she isn't testing to find out if your using drugs. Go on vacation simple. easy who doesn't need a vacation. And stop using deca is never produces the effects people wan an it stays in your system for up to 18 months after your last shot.
Stall till your levels go down she isn't testing to find out if your using drugs. Go on vacation simple. easy who doesn't need a vacation. And stop using deca is never produces the effects people wan an it stays in your system for up to 18 months after your last shot.
What's your alternative to the classic test/deca bulk cycle?
Stall till your levels go down she isn't testing to find out if your using drugs. Go on vacation simple. easy who doesn't need a vacation. And stop using deca is never produces the effects people wan an it stays in your system for up to 18 months after your last shot.

What exactly would you suggest in place of deca?