Dream tan or Pro tan?


New member
Looking for some help here I have both and can't decide which to use dream tan is messy but if your on stage with pro-tan and someone has dream tan dream tan is alot darker.? Any advice I will and I am thinking pro tan but I put the dream tan on last week and it went on in 15 min. and looked good messy but good
I used protan for my show and I liked the color I got but I heard that the judges don't like dream tan too much, but that's just the judging here. Next time I am going to try the dream tan. I liked the pro-tan though. Good luck bro
Yeah I would go with the ProTan. If you do it right, it will look very good! Make sure you tan a few weeks out. You want a good base first!
I've used protan and it works very good. It is a pain in the ass to have to put on a bunch of coats. Plus I'm just sick of the smell. Dream tan is easier to apply and it smells nice. Plus they say not to use oil w/ it. I would go w/ the dream tan personally, but Protan will work great for you as well.
I would go with the # 2 bro,# 1 looks like mud! Most of the guys who i know compete use #2.I used # 1 and didnt like it at all,ill try and post a pic if you like from backstage when im covered in mud! lol!