Drostanolone VS Anavar


New member
I really didnt want to add an oral to my cycle But for every ten people who have used masteron about 9 seem to say it sheds them.
I have a bunch of drostanolone enanthate but Im worried if i start shedding it will be to late.
Anyone have experience with both ? Are they that different?
Looking to add to the back end of my 14 week test e cycle, 500mg a week.
well its not going to shed you, because no steroid will. Its going to make you harder then the Anavar, but you have to inject which is a pain for some. This would be my choice if it were me.
Sorry I said shed not shred..
I am vain, I care about my hair alot, I'm talking about shedding my hair, I know from experience anavar won't.
just want to know If anyone has used both, and if anavar is fairly comparable.
I have no experience with drostanolone.
speed reading doesnt always work. If you are prone to hair loss you will loose hair, if not then no.

Honestly thats your answer.
Honestly thats not my question, but thanks for regurgitating the same BS about hairloss. Pretty sure that wasn't my question.
free bump I guess.

Again does anyone have experience with both of these compounds? can anavar at a higher dose even compare to masteron?
I would say yes, with that being said i have never used masteron but have used Anavar (var) many times. Anavar is a vary interesting compound b/c it can be ran at extreamly high doses with relitivly low side effects. It is not uncommen for experienced users to run doses of 120mg/ed and higher...witch would give you a vary pronounced effect im sure. I dont know what your experience is with this compound but i would say that on 60mg/ed you will be vary happey with your results and avoid hairloss. If you want to run masteron go look into some finasteride.
Yes I would say that 80 mgs. of anavar per day made me even more happy about my appearance than 700 mgs. per week of masteron. I've used both extensively. I have a receding hair line, but I don't really think that steroids have accelerated it much if at all, and I've been on for almost 5 years.
Great thats what I was looking for some real world experience. I have no problem not using the masteron, money isn't the issue.
My first cycle was Anavar (var) at at 60mg/day, 6 weeks, no sides, put on about 4 pounds muscle but overall was happy with it.
Thanks for the info, I will add it in for the last 6 weeks at 60-80mgs a day.
Yes I would say that 80 mgs. of anavar per day made me even more happy about my appearance than 700 mgs. per week of masteron. I've used both extensively. I have a receding hair line, but I don't really think that steroids have accelerated it much if at all, and I've been on for almost 5 years.

mast was nice i guess but it does not have as pronounced an effect as Anavar (var) for me.
Ive also used both for mths ata time
I have a female friend who used both bro. I know you can't really compare the sexes bro......but just to let you know she prefered masteron. But it had more side effects which on a woman is natural I guess.
I dont think you can use women as a comparison at all. completely different.
Thanks for all the responses...going with the anavar for sure. Good to hear most of you feel it is at the very least on par with masteron, will post results.
I dont think you can use women as a comparison at all. completely different.
Thanks for all the responses...going with the anavar for sure. Good to hear most of you feel it is at the very least on par with masteron, will post results.

Agree bro. Women are a totally different species. Just thought I'd let you know.
Using Anavar (var) gave me good results I have used it many times with test Anavar (var) gives you a hard dry look I used mast an liked the results from that always study up on any compound YOUR FRIEND IN IRON DYNOMAN