I am 2 weeks into a 12 week cycle of test cyp 500mg and deca 300mg weekly and the appropriate dose of Anastrozole. I also take low dose aspirin, finasteride, lipitor, and fish oil. I also take vitamin D weekly.
The rest of the year im on TRT. My back and shoulders seem to break out with acne a lot during my TRT but did not get worse during my last cycle.
I'd like to add in minocycline to clear up my skin before summer gets here. I checked a drug interactions website and there are no interactions listed between everything I take. Just to be cautious, I'd like to know if anyone else ran all this shit together? Thanks
The rest of the year im on TRT. My back and shoulders seem to break out with acne a lot during my TRT but did not get worse during my last cycle.
I'd like to add in minocycline to clear up my skin before summer gets here. I checked a drug interactions website and there are no interactions listed between everything I take. Just to be cautious, I'd like to know if anyone else ran all this shit together? Thanks