Drug interactions on cyclr


New member
I am 2 weeks into a 12 week cycle of test cyp 500mg and deca 300mg weekly and the appropriate dose of Anastrozole. I also take low dose aspirin, finasteride, lipitor, and fish oil. I also take vitamin D weekly.

The rest of the year im on TRT. My back and shoulders seem to break out with acne a lot during my TRT but did not get worse during my last cycle.

I'd like to add in minocycline to clear up my skin before summer gets here. I checked a drug interactions website and there are no interactions listed between everything I take. Just to be cautious, I'd like to know if anyone else ran all this shit together? Thanks
If you are getting acne it is often a sign that your estradiol is too high. I would address that before taking a med to clear up your acne. Treat the cause rather than the symptom.

If you plugged in all those meds to the interactions checker you should be fine.

Are you sure you need all those medications?
I've always been acne prone. Ive been on and off minocycline ever since i was 20. last time I got labs done estradiol was in range. I'll get labs done again mid cycle.

last time I had labs done for my TRT doc it showed really low vitamin D so that's how I got on that. blood work a couple years ago showed elevated cholesterol so that's where the lipitor comes in and cholesterol is in range now. I've been on Finasteride for about a year to try and save my hair despite the negative reviews of it. The low dose aspirin and fish oil are also recommended by my doc for obvious health benefits so I guess I "need " them. Thanks
I've always been acne prone. Ive been on and off minocycline ever since i was 20. last time I got labs done estradiol was in range. I'll get labs done again mid cycle.

last time I had labs done for my TRT doc it showed really low vitamin D so that's how I got on that. blood work a couple years ago showed elevated cholesterol so that's where the lipitor comes in and cholesterol is in range now. I've been on Finasteride for about a year to try and save my hair despite the negative reviews of it. The low dose aspirin and fish oil are also recommended by my doc for obvious health benefits so I guess I "need " them. Thanks

I would get off the finasteride. It is really bad for you. It is just hair after all.

A lot of guys see improvement in their LDL once they get on TRT and cholesterols meds can have negative long-term health effects as well. You may want to try coming off for a while to see if you still need them. In my case I was able to come off mine.
Great advice Mega. You are the man.

Seperate your healthcare issues while on cycle from when you are off or running a blast if you are on trt.

There is a price to pay for the muscle friend. If you are not on cycle do you need lipator? If you are genetically predisposed to mpb, sorry bro don't get too attached to your hair.

For high blood pressure on a cycle, use meds, but you have to be the guy in charge. If you see your doc on cycle, he/she will treat the symptoms, but it is impossible to get a handle on the problem when you have wildly fluctuating hormone levels that greatly affect not only bp but kidney function and liver values.

A high blood pressure pill or two on cycle to keep bp in check okay. As far as lipator, when you put down the AI and tge syringe, I bet your cholesterol will return to a normal level. It could do more harm than good. Lots of sides associated with meds like lipator.
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Yes, you guys are right about the lipitor. I have read about cholesterol levels normalizing once on TRT. I decided to keep it during this cycle but afterwards I'm going to stop taking it a few months before my next physical to see if I still need it.

Luckily I don't have any blood pressure issues and it's easy to monitor that.

I know Finasteride is a controversial drug. Some say it's the devil some say it's not. My doctor (not my TRT doctor) says it's OK and he and his two son's have been taking it for a long time. I like my hair and I still have a lot of it so I'm gonna take my chances.

Just trying to get some info on if people safely use the same meds I'm on during cycle. It seems like a common combination . I just like to be safe. Thanks.