Drug test .. test e #military


New member
Hi ... would like to ask does anyone passed urine test in military while on test e cycle ?
Recently i had been schedule to a ramdom piss test in military but i was afraid it might show roids results in lab ...
Only way to test for "test" is by blood. Urine tests won't do shit.

Like I said

But to clear it up for you...... Test enanthate, Prop, cyp, sust, TPP, test base any TESTOSTERONE can not be detected by urine tests.

You must be a radio operator or bullet catcher
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They don't care if your a fudge packer so why they care about roids. Juice up my friend and thank you for your service!
I just finished 20 years. Was a command DAPA and AAS are not part of the testing regiment unless specifically requested, which I never saw done. I saw numerous guys never pop while using, but saw 2 guys get thrown out for using AAS because they ran their mouths and eventually 100+ people knew. After that a health & comforth berthing inspection was done and their gear was found.

So, you shouldn't get caught if you keep it a tight lipped secret.