Drug Testing on oil rigs?


New member
Hi all, I am a long time reader of this site.
I have never used steroids before but I feel like I've learned enough to get started on my first cycle(500sust/week for 10weeks. Clomid pct)

Any way thats not what my question is about. It looks like I may have landed a job on the oilrigs in northern canada in the next month or so. They have mandatory drug testing.

I am aware that most drug tests are aimed at rec drugs and I was wondering if anyone had any first hand experience with this?

I am debating whether I should delay or cancel the cycle now which would be dissapointing.

Thanks in advance for your help.
You have a private trailer/ bedroom. My free weights will be coming. Good point though that is another thing I am debating, whether i can keep up the intensity of my training...
With all of the upcoming changes, it seems like you will want your focus to be on this new job/career rather than on your first cycle. Especially since you don't yet know what post cycle therapy (pct) will be like for you, emotionally... (especially witht the clomid. I turns a lot of guys into crying bitches).

If it were me, I would wait, but I don't know your full situation and I'm not you.
I hear what your saying but postponing would really mean cancelling until I finish this job. The work involves a lot of physical work and lifting and with free weights I am fairly confident I can work out enough, I just really need to know about the drug testing.
I am sure everyone can remember how much you looked forward to your first cycle.
most places test for the usual compounds. roid tests are expensive so i doubt it is in thier financial interest to test everybody for them. however if they suspect it down the line they could.
I have worked on the rigs in Alberta,Canada. The rig companys are just looking for recreational drugs:weed, coke ect. i have never had a problem. which rig company???? have you ever worked rigs before? pretty sure the last thing you want to do is lift after working 12 shitty hours.
st.nick said:
I have worked on the rigs in Alberta,Canada. The rig companys are just looking for recreational drugs:weed, coke ect. i have never had a problem. which rig company???? have you ever worked rigs before? pretty sure the last thing you want to do is lift after working 12 shitty hours.

If this is true then you won't have to worry about the drug test. If you will be doing a lot of physical weight and lift your free weights then I don't see a problem.. It seems like you really want to do your first cycle. What are your stats. Just make sure you have researched enough and that this is what you want to do. make sure you take a post cycle therapy (pct) you don't want to take a chance of getting gyno. Good luck bro on your inportan decision. Good luck with your new job and cycle .