dtone's 25lbs in 25 days diet

I made it to 21 days... I got 1 rep weaker on my bench, gained 2 reps and then in the last week lost 2 reps on squat, and deadlift went up 30 lbs.. although i must mention i was coming off a 2 month layoff, only back in the gym for one month before this diet.

I just needed a refeed this last weekend now im doing something less agressive. My body temperature was dropping and i had some symptoms of overtraining/.

It works well though, i could do a 3 week version 2-3 times a year.
I'm was thinking about starting this again but with thanksgiving, Xmas and 2 vacations planned in the next 3 months I think I'm just going to try and eat clean for the next few months and start this mid Jan when I get back.