dtone's 25lbs in 25 days diet

Hey I m 5 10 180lbs around 12percent bf just wondering I was thinking of running the last 3 weeks of this diet to try and lower my bf percentage just wondering If id be able to continue weight training through out the program or if this would be too draining also if the veggies could be subbed. also the amounts should be altered to change the caloric intake for me correct
Just a little update. on day 11 now, lost 5lbs in the first 4 days, and bf% has dropped considerably (didn't get it tested before starting the diet, assuming it was around 11 and there is a visible difference). side note: have been drinking over a gallon of water per day, replaced peanut butter with natural almond butter (which is usually consumed with bananas or apples), and the only flavoring i've used thus far has been organic apple cider vinegar, salt free garlic pepper, and onions/green peppers/jalenpeno peppers (sometimes banana peppers--not often(high sodium)). Not on any supplements or AAS.

Lookin to run this another 2 weeks minimum. Will keep you posted
Anybody got an estimate for the macro's on the first week ? Im not lazy to do it .. just dont know how much pro/carb/fat each of these foods have roughly. :)
over the holidays i got pretty sloppy. which i don't really care about, but the problem is that it starts messing with my body. i start having terrible back, knee and hip pain when i reach a certain weight.

so, just like everyone else, i made a new years resolution to lose weight. but i did it a little differently than most people. i took what i have done over the past few years of dieting during cutting seasons and compressed it into a 4 week progressive diet. cardio was done at a moderate intensity (one that i could carry on a conversation while doing it), 6 days a week.

***i should say that this is an extremely advanced diet and not for those who are unfamiliar with the process or the physiological/psychological effects of such dieting.***
I am also on AAS (test c 750mg/wk, deca 500mg/wk), but this had no effect on my weight loss and should not be used with the intention of weight loss. enough bullshit, here's my diet:

Week 1 (cleaning things up/low carb)
30min am cardio
Meal 1
6 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1/4c 10 grain oatmeal


Meal 2
8 oz chicken
1 cup cooked quinoa


Meal 3
2 scoops protein/water
1/2c oatmeal


Meal 4
8oz chicken
1oz nuts
1c broccoli


Meal 5
8 oz beef
2tbsp peanut butter
1 cup spinach


Meal 6
6 egg whites
2 whole eggs
2 tbsp peanut butter


Totals 3225/142.6f/138.7c/346.8p

EDIT: *I* added the macro's here. There were a few requests and I was interested myself. They are based on fitday.

Some assumptions were made here, ie: grilled meats? I dunno if they were fried, grilled or baked. Not sure what type of peanut butter? I assumed natural, also wasnt sure on the beef, i used lean filet mignon but that could vary slightly and not sure on the scoops of protein. I assumed 25g of protein per scoop with no fat or carbs and mixed with water.

My question is how the hell did you go into keto eating 140grams of carbs a day in week 1? If i have some time ill add some of the other data. I may do a keto diet for a few weeks in the upcoming weeks and may base it on this or at least closely resemble this.
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Can you tell me what your approximate weight/height/bf was before this diet?

I'm thinking about trying this very diet for the next 3 or 4 weeks and trying to figure out if I need to drop some of the food.


Can you tell me what your approximate weight/height/bf was before this diet?

I'm thinking about trying this very diet for the next 3 or 4 weeks and trying to figure out if I need to drop some of the food.


217lbs, 5'11", 15%bf. I wouldn't drop any of the food. get it going first and see how you respond
I skipped week 1 and went right to week 2 since i was already doing low carb for a week prior to me starting this.

Im five days into Week 2 and have dropped 4 lbs. I kind of expected a slightly larger drop since i put 12 lbs on in about 2 weeks eating like shit. I thought i would rebound quickly but apparently not, the damage was done lol. I think I just went into keto since my pee smells like shit. The remaining 2.5 weeks is going to be interesting. I hate no carbs it sux and I cannot wait for my cheat meal but i want to get a full week of no carbs in before i do that so probably will wait until tuesday.

I would estimate my BF went from 10% to 12 or 13% over those 2 weeks of uncontrolled eating.Would like to see it <10% by August.
you do realize that pro/veg is much harder than keto, right? pro/veg is as extreme as it gets. keto doesnt have shit on pro/veg.

oh, and btw, throw in grad school midterms and 30hrs of work/wk and come back and tell me 'its not too bad'...this is going to be hilarious.

Maybe you should be a little more full of yourself!? It seems that is where you're lacking.
Maybe you should be a little more full of yourself!? It seems that is where you're lacking.

wow 19 posts and u decide to try and bash on a mod here huh?? great start

i, like dtone, have alot going on as i diet and train..

try full time student in a quarter system working 60hrs a week, keeping up with this forum, training in jiu-jitsu, lifting, and doing cardio...

just chill urself out.. either post something positive that people can learn from or dont post nothing at all.. use some common sense
Maybe you should be a little more full of yourself!? It seems that is where you're lacking.

thats hilarious. yeah..i think i was probably a little irritated in that post. its frustrating when you bust your ass doing something and then someone who hasn't done it comes along and says how easy it is.

but as 3j stated, please only post relevant comments.
finally got my head around to try this diet

after checking this thread 5-6 months ago. i'm starting it tomorrow, jumping straight into week two. It took me 5 days (and several visits to the food store) to come up with a 7 day meal plan (based on your plan, dialtone) but with a little more variation and additions from my regular diet so i won't get bored with eating the same thing over and over again. still got the carbs below 50g/daily, and more than enough protein 1.1-1.3g/lb, and will keep a journal. i'm not a bodybuilder (though i workout with weights 3/week), just a soccer player and would like to drop my BF from 15% to 10%. will keep you updated. cheers!!!

diet works real well and i did exactly the same thing, i jumped into week 2, two things to keep in mind.

1. the pro/veg part really is tough, im pretty hard core when it comes to sticking to a regiment when i want to, i stuck to it but it sucks ass.

2. make sure when you are ready to re-introduce carbs into your diet you do it gradual. 3J warned me i would bloat and sure as shit i bloated badly. I introduced them 50 a week, then 80 then 100 and it damn near took all three weeks before the bloating subsided.

I lost a total of i think 15 lbs in 3 weeks.
Thanks for the feedback welter and the tips,

I am concerned about introducing carbs back, maybe more than the diet itself, cause I’ve read a lot of bad stuff about the rebound effect, so thanks about the tip. But this bloating you felt was only a feeling, right. There was no weight gained back?
I am concerned about introducing carbs back, maybe more than the diet itself, cause I’ve read a lot of bad stuff about the rebound effect, so thanks about the tip. But this bloating you felt was only a feeling, right. There was no weight gained back?

Yes it was just a feeling, i gained maybe 2 lbs back but wasnt bad. The stomach felt like i drank a keg though :)
some questions

i think i went into ketosis, as on saturday evening (second day) i felt some random head aches and then a terrible weakness in till i slept. then all day sunday i had this metallic taste in my mouth. but no smelly pee and no stinky breath. and then on monday i find that i lost 2.5lbs and 2.5cm from my waisteline in three days. my questions are:

1-the metallic taste is gone today (monday), does that mean i'm not in a ketosis state anymore, or that my mouth maybe got used to the taste?

2-i've felt light headed since sunday evening, if i'm sitting or bending and raise my head or stand i see blackness and that i'm about to faint? is that normal?

the only problem that is really bugging me is having to wake soooo many times at night to pee, with that much water i'm drinking all day long. i'm just sleepy and drousy at work.
i have had good results with this diet im now in week 3... i do, however, up the amount of chicken breast based on how i feel at the time which i think has prevented some muscle loss
I'm glad so many people have adopted this diet and actually saw it through to the end. I hear you guys on jumping in to week 2, but I did that for a reason. Personally, I was coming out of a pretty sloppy diet so I used that week get myself used to being back on a tight regimen. Honestly, I lose the most during that first week. I am getting ready to run this again and I have given it to 10+ people since I first wrote it. It's a solid diet, but as welter mentioned, the final stage doesn't fuck around. After completing week 4, I suggest just to maintain a variation of week 1 with more carbs.

you shouldnt be losing any muscle in such short time. also, this is a pretty high protein diet. just keep lifting at a moderate intensity and keep cardio at a moderate intensity as well. you be fine, you be fine.