dtone's recipes

For Sustanon I'm using this reciepe :

78,75ml OIL
2,5ml BA 2,5%
7,5ml BB 7,5%
3g Test Prop
6g Test PhenylProp
6g Test Isocaproate
10g Test Decaonate
Makes 100 ml @ 250mg/ml
I'm looking for Oil based Winstrol (winny), do you have checked recipe ?

many people have tried this, i have not. here is the recipe i would use:
20ml @ 50mg/ml
1g winstrol powder
17ml oil
.2ml BA
2 ml guaiacol ("super solvent")
mix powder and guaiacol first then add oil and BA.

next recipe, this isnt oil based but its another winstrol recipe:
50ml @ 50mg/ml
2.5g powder
8ml BB
2.5ml BA
1ml peg 300
.5ml poly
heat at 325 degrees until dissolved, filter, and add 39ml distilled water and re-filter.
I'm looking for Oil based Winstrol (winny), do you have checked recipe ?

Why? Winstrol (winny) sucks. And the recipe sucks when trying to make an solution out of a Base. Use the water based if your gonna do that shit ass drug. lol

Tren is the answer.
50ml @ 50mg/ml
2.5g powder
8ml BB
2.5ml BA
1ml peg 300
.5ml poly
heat at 325 degrees until dissolved, filter, and add 39ml distilled water and re-filter

try this

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Any recipe for making completely pain free test prop like Geneza (GP) has?

I know the recipe calls for a MCT type oil carrier, but have no idea what that is. I would be in Hog Heaven if anyone could help.
Well I dont do Test E but I do Test D @ 400 painless and not too much solvent either. PM me if you want.
How to be 100% sure about heating temperature?? If you go over melting point hormone start to degrade if you go under it doesn't melt completly
so far Ive done the Test Prop, Primo, Masteron, and Deca recipes. all have been great, even the prop was painless
I have what is probably a stupid, but also very innocent, question. Are the base substances (powders) legal to purchase? I have a medical license I cannot risk.
How to be 100% sure about heating temperature?? If you go over melting point hormone start to degrade if you go under it doesn't melt completly
Yes please?

So far I just heat it in the oven at 135C (the oil) and later on I put the finished sulution before filtering on the stove until "It looks" good but I have no idea what the degrees are?