Ducks Nasty Sust/Tren Ace/Anadrol cycle

Whats up members, Started this heavy cycle this week so I thought I would give you members an insight to how things are going. Hoping to gain quite a bit of size and just freakish strength mainly. So here's the particulars:

age 23
height 5'8"
starting weight 218
starting bf 18-20

375mg/wk (125mg MWF) sust. 250 1-12
250mg/wk (50mg ED M-F) tren ace 1-12
100 mg anadrol 1-3
aromasin 12.5mg ED
prami on hand
cruising on 150mg test e afterwords.
Mod GRF 1-29 100mcg/3x daily M-F
GHRP-6 200mcg/3x daily M-F

If I find a powerlifting meet to do during this I'll throw the anadrol back in a couple weeks out. 100's are the only anadrol I could get ahold of and they're caps so I'm not breaking into them. Nutrition is simply 1-2 carb meals before training sessions, usually oats or rice. Protein sources are primarily ground beef and whole eggs. Training is a variation of Paul Carters Base Building.

Pinning the tren ace only M-F is because I can get 4 weeks out of a bottle using 250mg/wk versus 2 1/2 if I pinned 7 days a week. Going to train so I will check back in later today.
You should be pinning the tren ace atleast every other day. It's a very short ester and your really not maximizing your use with it. Cut it down to 6-8 weeks and pin eod or get more of it.
I pin mon-tues-wed-thurs-fri and do the weekend off. I realize its a short ester, but with 5 days of everyday pinning my blood levels shouldn't go down drastically right? I know thats two days off in a row, but if pinning eod thats 3 days out of the week that there is not tren going into my system.
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training today. Last training day of the week, two squat sessions this week. The first monday and one today. Today was working up to 75%x1 then 65% 5x5 done in less than 10 mins.
350x1 285x5x5 in 9:55
wide sumo leg press rest pause 505x17 rest 60 sec 505x8
romanian DL 195x17 (was supposed to do two more sets to get 50 total reps but low back is trashed from DL last night)
laying leg curl 100 reps (supposed to be non stop, had to stop at 60 reps then 80 reps, but total 100 completed)
calf raise 3x20
low back rehab

All done in an hour and 15 mins. Woke up late so a shake w/ oats had to do for breakfast. I'll have a tuna meal w/ eggs and then some chili for my next two meals.
I pin mon-tues-wed-thurs-fri and do the weekend off. I realize its a short ester, but with 5 days of everyday pinning my blood levels shouldn't go down drastically right? I know thats two days off in a row, but if pinning eod thats 3 days out of the week that there is not tren going into my system.
Tren ace exits the bloodstream in 2 days max. Its active life is 2 day ish. Taking 2 days off isnt a good idea, there will too much fluctuation of the hormone levels which can lead to increased risk of side effects. If theres any drug you want to minimize tisk of side effects, its Tren. Furthermore, fluctuation of hormone level will hinder gains as well. Tren Enth can be injected twice a wekk but not Ace.
What side effects have you experienced? I'm just wondering because I realize and understand the science behind the esters and half life, but I'm a believer in experience trumps the textbook 9 times out of ten.
What side effects have you experienced? I'm just wondering because I realize and understand the science behind the esters and half life, but I'm a believer in experience trumps the textbook 9 times out of ten.

I dont disagree with that at all. I personally dont get the bad sides from Tren, except the occasional hot flash and heart burn. The list is so long im not even gonna write the potential side effects as its easy enough to read on the drug profile.

Im just stating what I do and what I believe to be the most efficient and effective my man.
I'll give this 5 days a week pinning a shot, and see what two days of no tren does to me. I'll keep it here in the log.

Oh and props to you for letting someone have an opinion, and not just say they're wrong because they dont agree with you. You don't see guys like that very often!
I'll give this 5 days a week pinning a shot, and see what two days of no tren does to me. I'll keep it here in the log.

Oh and props to you for letting someone have an opinion, and not just say they're wrong because they dont agree with you. You don't see guys like that very often!
You can try and see what happens without a doubt. Ive done thing that arent 'the way theyre supposed to be done' and have had good results.

what if you went the EOD route like we talked about. Then you wouldnt be missing 2 days ever and blood levels would still stay decent. Lots of dudes run it eod I just prefer ed.
Ya know I'm gonna give that a try. It isnt optimal but it works out better in the long run for me.

And don't do a 100 rep set of leg curls by the way, I found out that the way my feet were positioned hit my inner hamstrings so hard it feels like they're going to tear the day after.
Another squat training day today, last week had two squat days so I believe this week will have two bench days. My legs need a break. The GHRP-6 gives me out of this world hunger!! I do my pins upon wakening, post workout (mondays and wednesdays) or before lunch, and an hour before bed. I definitely learned that I need to have plenty of clean food on standby after 30 mins, if I dont my internal fat kid will find something he wants to eat!!

breakfast: 5 whole eggs, 6 slices bacon
Pre WO: 1 cup oats and shake
Post WO: leftover vegetable soup (lots of roast in there)
supper: probably more soup
in betweens: cottage cheese is on my shopping list today
I'm a big believer in the value of "home cooked" meals being the best for adding size and strength. Lots of ingredients and spices have a wide range of nutrients that I don't think you're getting from single ingredient type meals. You could really call that bro-science, but a lot of what I have to share with this board is really just things I've found that have/haven't worked for me over the years.
Legs are toasted and it feels like I pulled both hamstrings from Saturday squat training. Finals today, same tuesday routine as usual. No training, maybe do some cardio. Finally got my Liv52 DS in the mail today, looks like it shipped straight from India. Definitely needed the liver support while running Anadrol 100's.

No noticable sides from the tren or anadrol.
Current weight: 228 (10lb gain, mostly water from drol and cals)
weights are feeling lighter day by day. 12 more days of anadrol before I cut it and continue with cycle.
Bench training today
225x5, 275x1, 315x1
255x8x4sets 275x8x1set
incline BB 185x12 60 sec rest 185x8
flat DB press 80'sx20, x8, x12 (goal is 50 total reps, try again saturday for 45 reps)
incline fly 20'sx100 (got to 75, try for 85 saturday)

5 eggs and cup of oats w/ raisins and PB before training.
2 tacos (1/2 lb beef total)w/ low carb tortillas for next two meals (19g carbs, 16 g of that fiber)
figure out meal after tacos.

Strength is amazing right now, anadrol is in full effect and love it pre WO. Pinning 125mg sust and 100mg tren tonight. Peptides upon wakening, post WO and a couple hours before bed.
Bench recovery day today:
side/front/rear DB raise complex- 15lbx15x4 sets
rope pushdown-80lbx20x4 sets
db hammer curl 35x15 40x10 45x10

breakfast -6 eggs and 6 slices bacon
lunch- 2 tacos 1/2 lb beef total.
meal 3- 4 boiled eggs
meal 4- 2 cans tuna w/ 2 boiled eggs mixed in.

Follow this thread if you need ideas for meals on a poverty diet lol. I am a full time student so I have to eat on around $250-$300 a month depending on how I am financially. I saved up and bought a 1/4 cow a month ago which got me around 50lbs ground beef and quite a few good steaks. If you have the opportunity to buy something in bulk I would take advantage of it!

Deadlift training tomorrow with a lat emphasis for assistance work. I'll be sure to post that tomorrow night.
Alright guys and gals, this will be my last post until monday (if anyone is reading lol!). I have an anniversary dinner with my girlfriend tonight along with her company Chrismas party (yippie:/) and helping her move saturday. Squeezing a bench session in Saturday morning. If anyone wants to check out where I get my programming here is the link to Paul Carter's blog. It's called the F'n Madness Split Deadlift training today with low back accessory work:
Deadlift- 365x3, 385x3, 445x3 365x3x3sets (pretty much speed pulls here)
Good Mornings- 185x15 (rest 60 secs) 185x6
Back Raises- 50 total reps in 3 sets
Hanging leg raise- 100 total reps split up

Bench- work up to heavy single 325 maybe. 265x8x5sets
CGBP- 255 rest pause
DB curls 50 reps over 3 sets
BB curls 100 reps <<these are amazing!

Nutrition today has been:
Meal 1- Bowl of chili (slept in late)
Meal 2- 4 boiled eggs and cup oats pre training
Meals 3-4/5 are going to be a tossup. Eating at texas roadhouse so lots of meat will be consumed. Plus whatever I can get my rat hands on at the Xmas party.

Pinning sust 125/tren 100 today along with 100mg anadrol pre WO. Got sick off of prami last night. Took .25mg and had the most terrible heartburn of my life 4 hours later during sleep. I've been through it before so I knew how to handle it (tums and milk) but it never gets easier to deal with.
Hope everybody had a good weekend! Anniversary dinner with the lady was nice, got some good country fried steak and steak fries! Nose to the grindstone again this week, kicked it off as usual with SQUATS and quad accessory work.

Week 3

Bodyweight: 230lbs

Squats- Worked up to a 455lb beltless max, clear mind not amped up. Backed down to 315x5x5 (done within 8 mins)
Front Squat- worked to 225x8 (rest 60 sec) 225x4. (sticking with this until 225x15)
Leg Press- 495x20,x15, x15
Standing calf raise- 225x15x2sets, 315x15, 365x15 (single leg calf raises w/ weak calf done after each set x10 BW)
Leg Ext- 70x100x1set

Awesome training session, anadrol and tren are in full swing now, currently week 3. Still pinning 125mg sust and 100mg tren EOD. Mod GRF-1 and GHRP2 3x/day M-F. Switched to GHRP2 because the 6 just made my hunger ridiculous and need to scale back.
Just grubbed out on my PWO meal after my peptides. Added up nutrition info just to give you guys a good idea of what a solid meal for me is. Mind you I only eat these kinda carbs 3 hours on either side of a training session. Tuna/egg mix is spiced up with brown mustard and pickle relish. Oats is mixed with 3tblsp splenda and cinnamon. 250mg ALA taken with meal to control insulin.

1 cup oats w/ 1 1/4 cup skim milk-420cal/70carb/22pro/6fat
2 cans tuna in water w/ three hardboiled eggs mixed in- 390cal/0carb/58pro/6.5fat

total- 810cal/70carb/80pro/12.5fat
Bench Press PR today!! 365 has been haunting me since I was 18 years old lifting weights for football. Trained with a group of badass lifters, one of whom is a 500+ bencher, who happened to triple 505 today. Anyways, 365 went up like 225. So I took 405 for a ride and nailed it! Fucking excited, gonna use 365 as my training max and work off of that. No other work was done, just hit my 405 and left. Have a Merry Christmas!
Hit pulls yesterday with a Lat accessory emphasis:
Deadlift- 500x2 beltless, 365x3x3 speed pulls
Weighted chins- +25x5x2sets, +50x5, BWx10, x3
Lat Pulls- 150x20, 15,6
Stiff arm pulldowns80x100x1set

Lats are fucking smoked today!!

Trained arms and calves today, supposed to do deadlifts again but didnt plan my week out right. Got a real nasty pump and kept the pace going well.

EZ bar curl/ decline DB ext- 4x8-10/4x15
DB hammer curl/ OH rope ext- 3x8-10/3x15-20
uni preacher curl machine/rope pushdown- 3x10/3x10
seated calf raise/BW standing single calf raise to failure 4x15-20

Finishing off my calves with the single leg raises after every set really nails my calves. I haven't ever put a whole lot of work into calves, maybe girls will start talking to me if I have jacked and cut up calves? who knows