Ducks Nasty Sust/Tren Ace/Anadrol cycle

Busy couple days here gentleman. Had a funeral Tuesday and everything that goes with that. Monday squats went as follows:
SqUAT- Worked to 455 w/ a belt. dropped to 315x5x5 in 10 mins
front squat- 135x5, 185x5, 225x10/6
leg press- 600x20x12x13
leg ext- 100 rep straight
leg press calf- 4x15 ss w/ single leg raise to failure BW

Getting bloodwork done friday, nips are itchy and gyno I had previously (from being fat as a kid) is hardening up. I believe my liquid stane from RUI might be underdosed/bad. Next week we'll be able to tell from bloodwork, ill keep everyone posted on that. Any good links for reading bloodwork? Got the labmd hormone panel for females.
Bench Press session tonight with shoulders as follows:

Bench- worked to 350x3, backed down to work sets 275x8x5sets
standing military press- 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 225x3 (PR), 155x15/3 smoked after all that work
seated db shoulder press- 70x20,15,15 (adding weight next time around)
front raise w/ 10lb plate- 100 reps nonstop

Diet needs to get re-checked. I have been in a bad place the last few months. A good friend of mine from the military took his own life, he had been battling some demons of his own. Two of my friends were in a terrible car accident at the beginning of this cycle, one died and the other is going through extensive recovery. He was an avid lifter as well, so it's tough to see him so physically and emotionally deflated. My grandfather passed away on christmas (my other grandpa died christmas 2012), so needless to say this time of year is beginning to be a bad time. This is log is turning into more than just a means of documenting my training, but a diary of sorts. Its somewhat theraputic to write this stuff down for an anonymous audience.

Take care folks and please be safe tonight. And every minute you're in the gym, think of some of the people you may know that would give anything to be in there with you because they cannot. Be thankful for being able bodied and strong, and make those less able proud to know you. signing off.
