DUMB F*CKING KIDS! Please help the young and stupid.


New member
Ok, I have been a member of this board for a wile now, had another name before this one. I've been doing alot of research for myself and have learned alot of the basics. Well the other day I was talking to this kid down the hall (dorm rooms at college), and he said he was taking anadrol50 and dbol.
So naturally, I flipped out and told him how fuckin retarded he was. And I started explaining that they are both 17-aa and they will destroy his liver and how this isnt a good stack and wont get much results and how he needs to do some form of test, and how hes way too young, and anadrol is only for the experienced users and shouldnt be taken on a first cycle, and how he needs anti-estrogens and post cycle therapy. And him, being the fuckin idiot 18 year old that he is... didnt seem to mind. I think he believes me and would take my advice if i gave it to him... but he is on a 10 week cycle of each, and already on week 8! what the hell do I tell him to take? Is there any hope for him? Is there anything he can do?

For the sake of the idiotic, please help me help him.
Kick him in the gonad and show him a picture of a muscular guy with gyno! that should wake him up! :afro:
Show him this......is what he'll look like without taking the preventative measures! sure would freak me out....:afro:
Then for the finishing touch shown him this !

(took this somewhere from this board) thanks owner whoever you are!
There are some guys who are beyond help, they think they know it all and that they are invincible. This guy sounds like one of them.

Maybe you can get him to visit the boards and get a real education on AAS.
Unfortunately it's guys like that who will never experience any kind of problems...no gyno, no need for post cycle therapy, etc., etc.

Btw, that's not condoning being stupid, it's just an observation that the stupid are typically the lucky.
Man you can't really blame the guy because he doesn;t know better. But when you don't know better you shouldn't take shit if you don't know.

All in all I hope that kid gets some help. Get him over here ASAP
No kidding.. give him the address for this board. He needs some knowledge immediately.
Herc said:
Show him this......is what he'll look like without taking the preventative measures! sure would freak me out....:afro:
Please don't post stonecold's pics as he has feelings too......


Bump to the last comment....I hope he finds the info he needs or you can help him bro
If he dose not do researh, you know he doesnt care to learn, so why help him?

Bro, forget about people like that, and focus on yourself and your own cycles.
Some people u just have to let learn from there own stupid mistakes...

This mite be one of those cases..

I would just tell him all i can and just sit back and watch..
At least whatever happens to the retart in the end ull say to urself that u tried....
Damn that second pic is a bummer. He put in some hard work to get that ripped, but like looks like he didn't do his homework before starting to juice.

By now, the second guy has had surgery and the first has committed suicide after a glimpse in the mirror.
dumb kid

you should get some clomid for his punk ass at www.XXXXXXX.com.

4 post and all of them source posts, see ya moron.............
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