dumb first cycle ran hdrol and epi for 8 weeks. week 3 of pct but need feedback!

okay ill try to condense this

I'm 23, 187lbs, 5 foot 8. Been lifting for 3 years consistently and some before that. Bench is 310 to give u an idea.

I listened to one of my best friends who I thought really knew his shit- he did this cycle twice before, longer, with no proper serm pct, between a 16 cycle of gear on top of that. no pct for that either. said he never had any symptoms at all. whatever, besides the point now....

I ran halodrol 50mg a day and epistane 30mg a day for 8.5 weeks.

Around week 6-7 I noticed big drops in libido and some testicular atrophy. Could still have sex with my girl but really had no desire or urge. Those were my only sides. But i was alarmed, so at that point I did research online and found out all about serms and proper pct and stuff. Holy crap right!?!? mindblown...... so, I ordered. I finished off the 2nd bottle of ph so ran i for altogether 60 days /8.5 weeks because I needed to buy time for the Serms to come. At that point they came and I started.

Heres my PCT, started week 3 yesterday:

Torem: 120/90/60/60
Clomid: 100/50 (ran out..)
USP labs DAA: 3000mg/day
DHEA and policosinol
Max Muscle Store- Max Nitro 2 Nitric Oxide Supplement maxmusclestoreonline.com/max_nitro_2/
liver support otc
horny goat weed to help with libido

During cycle i took milk thistle, multivitamin, fish oils, protein powder, preworkout, you know standard obvious things.

I started out at 178ish and peaked at 190 at week 6-7 and now im down to 186ish when i weighed myself yesterday. Could just be water, Ive eaten crappy the past few days too.

NOTE: I have Finaflex Revolution Black, an otc pct on standby. I think I am going to start taking that tomorrow. I also picked up some resveratrol (not reversitol) and started taking that too.

rev black: drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=390880&catid=181813&aid=338666&aparam=23022160448adwords_groupingHealth&device=c&network=g&matchtype=

Now what I want to know and get feedback from is on the revolution black, if i should start taking that as planned. and if the reversitol could help... but overall guys, what I'm really anxious and worried about is my libido. Sorry for details but I used to get hard as hell and go until i came with my girl and then stay hard and keep going. before i started this prohormone episode i was a hornball and a king. and now libido is decreased and once I come the first time im pretty much done and get soft soon after.. I know i'm only starting week 3 of PCT so I probably shouldnt worry. I know it can take another week to a month or two even after PCT is over with based on what I've read. But any words of advice, or reassuring words that i'll be alright and my old libido will reinstate itself would put my mind at very great ease. I'm scared I could have lowered my sex drive for life. Thanks!