Dutastride sides


Old to soon,smart to late
so im on my second day of dutasteride at .05 mg per day and i have never been so tired in my life, i dont even have the energy to get off the couch. and very irritable. has anyone else had these sides when taking it, im just hoping that it will subside when my body gets used of it because i cant tolerate this nonsense.
so im on my second day of dutasteride at .05 mg per day and i have never been so tired in my life, i dont even have the energy to get off the couch. and very irritable. has anyone else had these sides when taking it, im just hoping that it will subside when my body gets used of it because i cant tolerate this nonsense.

That is not a side caused by Avodart. Especially not in this short of a time frame. It is going to take a considerable amount of time for Avodart to build up to a stable blood level in you body. You will likely not notice any type of side that rapidly.

There is still plenty of DHT in circulation in your blood. Two days of Avodart won't effect what is already in circulation. It will begin to stop the enzymatic reaction that produces DHT in you body, but that will take a few weeks to manifest itself.

Are you scripted this for a condition - BPE? Why are you taking it?
I figured it was way fast to feel any sides but I felt absolutely normal 2 days ago and now feel like hell and that's the only thing I've done different is start that. I'm taking it due to the fact that I suffer from MPB and in this last year or two my hair is receding a tremendous amount compared to normal and I'm starting a cycle so not running something to protect it would be foolish.
I figured it was way fast to feel any sides but I felt absolutely normal 2 days ago and now feel like hell and that's the only thing I've done different is start that. I'm taking it due to the fact that I suffer from MPB and in this last year or two my hair is receding a tremendous amount compared to normal and I'm starting a cycle so not running something to protect it would be foolish.

Are you on .5 mg daily?

Have you used Propecia prior?

I ask b/c .5 mg of Avodart daily for MPB is a little overkill IMO.

Avodart has a half life of several weeks. .5 mg on M/W/F would be more than enough for most folks.

Avodart has a very high efficacy for the 5 alpha reductase enzyme and once a stable blood level is achieved it effectively eliminates about 90% of all DHT activity at the scalp.

I'm just a big believer in using the minimum amount of any drug to achieve the desired result.
I'm taking .5 eod and no I've never taken propecia.

Okay - that's better.

Make sure you stay away from nandralone compounds on your cycle. Test and Eq only if you are going to use a 5-AR like Avodart.

5-AR is necessary to reduce nandralone to DHN. Otherwise you'll kill your hairline.