early signs of gyno from fina (tren ace) and helladrol


I am banned!
Hi there,

I was taking oral fina (20 mg pellets sublingual oral) and helladrol. Was only using it on days I worked out.

at this point I've used --140 mg fina total
Helladrol--probably 300+mg total.

that's not that much. Anyways I started getting some nipple sensitivity, little bit of pain, increased fat under the nipple. Nipple is larger? I can tell but most people can't probably.

What should I take to get rid of this?

It became most pronounced following Monday when I took 100mg of Helladrol and 40mg of Fina.

I'm stopping until I have all the necessary stuff to stop the sides.

I am taking a ton of B6 (9000% DV) and Mangosteen (20-40mg/ day) which are anti-estrogen. I have vitex on hand which is anti-prolactin but actually pro-progesterone.

I probably need to buy anti-estrogen, anti-progesterone and anti-prolactin compounds that are prescription strength. Ideally they wouldn't be too strong on the sides.

You shouldn't be messing around with all those BS oral's. If you want to cycle, do a Test only cycle.

If I were you, I would just stop the cycle and start a PCT of Clomid/Nolvadex ASAP!
If I'm not mistaken those are otc pro hormones dude which in my opinion are a no go. Sorry this happened dude. The best advice I can give is to follow mustangs suggestions and go get some nolva and clomid as soon as possible because you definitely have signs of gyno
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*raises hand slowly*
I just posted with the same problem. No Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is bad news bears. Starting my pct ASAP. Clomid/nolva
No need to grow boobies. Lesson learned, stop, get everything you need then restart
Thanks for the replies, guys!

I'm going to buy some prami, you think that would help with the already "puffy nipples" (like what Pinkbear was describing)...will clomid/nolva work if my gyno is from fina (progesterone/prolactin)?

Thanks a bunch
Prami should help with the prog and the nolva/clom should help with your gyno. Best of luck man and be sure to chime back in a update us
^ don't listen to this idiot, obviously you can research how to use it properly, its needed for quick effectiveness.
yea letro has to be used in very very minor doses.. and it causes estrogen rebound.. you would have to use nolva to come off..

so he does make a point.. its not for beginners.. in other words its not for someone who hasn't done proper research on it
both of you chill out.. i dont want this to turn into a flaming thread..

i will ban....
:Pat: weren't you the guy that had the thread where everyone was saying how downsyndrom your physique looked?